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Monster Marine OCS thread: stupid questions answered here!


500 ft. from said obstacle
PLC-Combined. Keep in mind that the 10 week version has more medical attrites than the two 6 week version simply because there's no "break" or other chance to heal. Overall though, I'd rather do it all at once. I'd hate to have to come back for the second 6 weeks. Once you're there, it's more palatable to just get it all done at once, providing you don't get hurt.

As far as "pushing yourself to the limit" goes, I feel that I was pushed very hard at both places. It's apples and oranges to an extent due to different training objectives. AOCS tried to make an officer out of you. Marine OCS was a ten week long try-out. They "make" all the Marine officers at TBS out of the ones who made it through the "try-out".

Coming back for seniors is an experience that haunts my dreams to this day. It was just bloody aweful coming back to that swamp that is Brown Field. I agree, 10-week is the way to go. If I had to do it again (my family would have to be held hostage or something) ... then I'd go combined. They pretty much just cram everything in jrs. and srs. into that last 6 weeks, you even repeat alot of stuff. You don't have time for much, and your body takes a fierce beating. Our attrition rate was only about 35% though.


New Member
Well besides the signing bonus and the shoe endorsement, I was just wondering if anyone got a movie deal? Also, I would like a record deal, will the Corps help with that too?


Registered User
Marine OCS, aviation, and high blood pressure

Is high blood pressure and/or use of blood pressure medication disqualifying for OCS and aviation? I have borderline hypertension, and it always seems to spike during medical exams. Just wondering if I were to start hypertension medicine if that would disqualify me from OCS and also from aviation. Thanks in advance.


Registered User
Had the same problem.

You can look it up yourself on the NAMI website, but yeah, high bp will disqualify you if you're >= 140/90.

Try to figure out how to chill out on the exams(breathing, etc), assuming you're already doing the other sensible things like cutting salt, fats, booze, etc.

No idea on what the deal is exactly with meds.


Had the same problem. I was advised to "bear down like you're taking a crap." It worked...just don't really take a crap.


Registered User
Good to go. Thanks for the info. I read the NAMI info and it sounds like ACE inhibitors are waiverable as well as other specific meds, but its not clear if those are waiverable only once designated or also in the application process. Anybody know anything about this?


Professional Javelin Catcher
Waiverable if already designated. Service needs would dictate whether they would waive them for accessions, but as competitive as it is these days I'd be inclined to think not.


Registered User
So if on my flight physical I check out under the 140/90 requirement without medication, then I'm good to go and with I'm NPQ?


Registered User
So if on my flight physical I check out under the 140/90 requirement without medication, then I'm good to go and with I'm NPQ?

That is my understanding, and what NAMI has on their public guidelines.

FWIW, I was hovering at ~143/80 for about a month until I learned how to calm the fuck down so I feel your pain.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
Had the same problem. I was advised to "bear down like you're taking a crap." It worked...just don't really take a crap.

Wait, you were STRAINING when someone was checking your blood pressure? Intuition would say that straining would raise one's blood pressure. :confused:


New Member
Marine OCS pass rate

So I searched old threads and had a hard time finding info on this subject. I read somewhere online that it was like 65% pass rate for the Marine Corps compared to Navy OCS is like 90% (Averages). What happens to those 35% or 10%? Do they become enlisted or civilians? Just curious. Thanks.


You become civilians again. If you aren't a sh!tbag and showed some promise at all, they invite you back. This seems typical of those who get injured at OCS, like me. I'm planning on going back in either October or January.


Registered User
In the old days, they sent you straight to enlisted boot camp. They don't do that any more. You go before the Colonel, and he decides if you're allowed to reapply. From that point, you start at square one (talking to your OSO, resubmitting a package, etc). Keep in mind also that you have to convince your OSO that you're worth their time AGAIN. The moral of the story is, don't get dropped or injured.