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Monster Marine OCS thread: stupid questions answered here!


Registered User
Those who fail, not due to npq but due to personal issues, do not go back. Those who are NPQed that are motivated and dedicated heal up and go back if they are accepted because they start back at the beginning of the process. Well, at least for the USMC. Some go enlisted, I'm sure, but it isn't mandatory. Chances are I've restated what someone ahead of me already said. I'm at school and have little time here right now. Hope it helps


Registered User
MasterHaynes86: not necessarily true. There's a few things that would disqualify you from going back, like an integrity chit, a lack-of-leadership-potential chit, disobeying a staff member's orders, having a digital camera in your locker...basically anything a dirtbag would do. If you're not a dirtbag, and you're respectful throughout the entire process, chances are you'll be allowed to return.


it really can range on the type of program you are going through ocs in. OCC more people are gonna drop due to their bodys wearing down in the final weeks and it just being longer. I went plc. i know that juniors we had about 60 start and we graduated 43 i think at the end. most of the drops were medical npq's and a some dor's. everyone was invited to come back for seniors that graduated. i wanna say that i was told by someone that about a 3rd actually return for seniors. the real game started at seniors. we started 60 again and graduated... i wanna say 42. we dropped people left and right from the platoon the entire way through allthe way up untill 3 days before graduation. some platoons kept more. one platoon graduated like 33. it really just depends. go there. kick ass. lead. simple.


I think my 1st class (OCC 193) had an unusually high attrition rate, especially up front. I was only there two weeks, and by the time I left we had gone from a platoon of about 60 to 50. Me leaving left 49, and I'm sure more followed.

But, don't worry about it. Prepare. Bust your ass like there's no tomorrow before you get there, and don't overtrain and set up for injury and failure.


500+ Posts
I think a bulk of the attritions are guys who decide, along the way, that the USMC ain't for them. My platoon commander told us that about 33% of PLC juniors get commissioned.


New Member
They come back and try again or they're asked to not come back. Depends on the nature of their being dropped. My female platoon (Charlie'06) started with 72 and graduated 26 girls. About 1/2 were physically related and the others were on their own accord...they basically said, "Screw this crap." A couple people in the company were dropped due to integrity violations that were carried too far and then some were dropped the first day of the 10th week due to grades from tests and athletic ability...they were on Battalion Probation and went before the Colonel. But, if you do get broken, your medical is usually covered and you're asked to come back. If you're looking for a quicker officership, go Navy...they don't have TBS. Marines are better, though. :icon_tong


They come back and try again or they're asked to not come back. Depends on the nature of their being dropped. My female platoon (Charlie'06) started with 72 and graduated 26 girls. About 1/2 were physically related and the others were on their own accord...they basically said, "Screw this crap..."

Hey, I remember an instance exactly like that in Charlie '06. My lame ass was sitting with the other light dutys after chow, and a candidate from what I assume was your 1st Plt actually broke out of formation, saying "screw this crap," walking away giving the thumbs down sign. The rest of us, on the sidelines with injuries just wanted to get back in to formation, weren't too happy with that. I don't imagine the rest of your platoon was very happy, either.

The moral is, if you decide it isn't for you, that's perfectly respectable. It's not going to be for everyone. Just don't be unprofessional and lose your dignity in the process if you decide to leave.

PS: OCS is hard, but light duty sucks. Don't get injured.


Registered User
a candidate from what I assume was your 1st Plt actually broke out of formation, saying "screw this crap," walking away giving the thumbs down sign.

That's exacly why OCS exists...to weed out any future young Lts. who might say "screw this crap" in front of their platoon in a combat zone. Is this analogy a bit melodramatic? No. Marines deserve the best leadership possible, and the extreme conditions of OCS separates those who put themselves over their platoon or their mission.


Well-Known Member
Please define "the old days" for me.

Old Days - [ohld deyz]

-Compound word

1. A long time ago when things were a LOT harder: I heard that back in the old days, Lt. Presley O'Bannon actually won the Battle of Tripoli all by himself using a coconut, a sock, and his favorite hat - which he later repaired using the hair of his fallen enemies

2. The day before you went to Bootcamp: I was actually the first class to go to Bootcamp where you weren't shot in the face during in-processing...I wish we would go back to the old days

3. The day after you went to Bootcamp: Oh, you were issued diggies? Back in the old days we just got fur to cover our loins with...

4. Anytime "old days" is used in a sentence, it shall either be preceded by or seceded by complete and utter bullshiat.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N

We had 70-some in our platoon and graduated 50. I believe the other platoons graduated 26, low 30s, and low 40s. Pretty much 1/3-1/2 didnt make it for one reason or another. This was OCC-192 in the summer of 2006


Well-Known Member
DOR rates inside of the Company were interesting to see. We had 5 plt's in Alpha last summer. When the first DOR pass came through my Plt lost 2 people, another Plt in our Company lost 12 that same weekend. We really didnt start loosing people till about week 5-6 when the injurys got to the "this isnt gonna get better" phase and they started sending people that would have been fine for the 6 week program. Me and Slammer2 were sitting in sickbay together during week 7 when Col Chase and the Sgt Major came in to see what was going on he looked at the couple of us from Alpha and Charlie and just commented "Dammit my 10 weekers are breaking." Then the Sgt Major proceeded to berate some 2nd Increment Jr that had been there a grand total of 3 days and was icing his shin splints.

Pass rate for 10 weekers over the last year has run right about 60-70% with that number between NPQ/Attrite/DOR being pretty squewed. Really your biggest enemys are either being a dirt bag and not knowing it (they'll let you know dont worry) or ignoring the early signs of something serious until it becomes unfixable. Hurt and Injured are two seperate states of being one being all in your head and the other being serious, its important that you understand that there is a time to suck it up and there is a time to go talk to the Corpsman. They genuinely want you to make it through the program and there is a lot they can do for you to put you back in the fight with a little help from physical therapy and sports medicine (We had a guy that got taped up ever morning but fought to stay off light duty).


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
...Me and Slammer2 were sitting in sickbay together during week 7...

Damn dude...

First we get chewed out together by SSgt. BigMotherFucker for taking forever to run our PFT, then we get woken up by the people fucking next door the night before shipping to OCS, then we have to get yelled at by the Col. for having broken bones...

Think after all this BS we'll actually get to fly one of these years? :D