Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
The answer to the question of what motivates me to serve in the U.S. Navy begins with an observation about my country. On any given day I can walk down the aisle of any supermarket and choose from over twenty different types of loaves of bread. Many in this world will not see that much food in their entire lifetime. The truth is that I enjoy immeasurable bounty because of where I live. And I have not earned any of it. Not yet.
My first motivation is national security. I am proud that the United States is my home. Just as I would take swift action against an invader who threatens my family, I must stand up and do my part to protect my country. So many honorable men and women, including members of my family, have sacrificed to preserve this nation’s freedom. I feel very strongly about this and want to count myself among those ranks.
My second motivation is personal growth. A career as a commissioned Naval Officer presents great individual challenges. It also offers amazing opportunities. Leadership experience, advanced training, and travel are just a few of the possibilities. I will do my best to seize each opportunity and use it to serve the Navy’s goals to the fullest. Every day is a gift and I believe in using each one to improve myself and become a better person.
I feel I possess numerous qualities which will enable me to achieve my long-term goals. As a Team Leader in the AmeriCorps, I led a twelve person team through a wide array of challenges, such as community outreach, search and rescue, and disaster relief. I learned the importance of working in a group, communicating effectively, and managing unexpected problems. I learned fortitude, adaptability, and compassion. As a leader, my integrity had to be above reproach. However, I recognize that I can be an even better leader and look to further develop those skills in the Navy.
At age 31, I have matured through a full and rewarding life. I am more than ready for a proud career as a Naval Officer. I have improved through my mistakes, grown through my life experiences, and learned to be thankful for everything that I have. It is this deep appreciation that leads me to want to serve. I hope that my service will help insure that those who follow will enjoy the same abundance that I do today. Then I will have earned it.