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Navy Pilot/ NFO "Rolling" Boards MAR/APR 2013


Well-Known Member
The correct term is "at board" however most OR's don't go into CIRIMS so they don't know the correct terminology, pro board is a term accompanied by a Y, N or X.

"at board" is the term used when it has been seen by the NRC processor, and then passed and screened by the program manager, he then puts it as "at board"


Hey guys-
So I talked to my OR today. My package got submitted back on march 18th or 19th....I still have to go to MEPS this week... He told me that I have been pro-boarded, which correct me if I'm wrong, just means it made it to a program manager and it is free of discrepancies and errors... And it's now waiting to be disseminated to the different communities (SNA/NFO/Supply) does this sound correct?

He indicated to me that the "rolling boards" are still a go. He told me its realistic to expect some sort of decision within a month. Obviously there is no guarantee on which community that would be. I don't mean to disagree with anyone or get anyone's hopes up, but this guy has yet to be wrong.. There was an 0-3 at the same table agreeing with everything that was said. I would have to think that the 0-3 at the recruiting station and the chief helping me probably have a pretty good grasp on the situation... Just my $.02

Okay good. This is what my OR was telling me also with an O-3 standing next to him from the NRD I'm being processed from said as well. We all just have to sit and wait and hope to hear some good news back soon following the next couple of weeks. I am also waiting to be processed at MEPS as well ZO.


Hey guys-
So I talked to my OR today. My package got submitted back on march 18th or 19th....I still have to go to MEPS this week... He told me that I have been pro-boarded, which correct me if I'm wrong, just means it made it to a program manager and it is free of discrepancies and errors... And it's now waiting to be disseminated to the different communities (SNA/NFO/Supply) does this sound correct?

He indicated to me that the "rolling boards" are still a go. He told me its realistic to expect some sort of decision within a month. Obviously there is no guarantee on which community that would be. I don't mean to disagree with anyone or get anyone's hopes up, but this guy has yet to be wrong.. There was an 0-3 at the same table agreeing with everything that was said. I would have to think that the 0-3 at the recruiting station and the chief helping me probably have a pretty good grasp on the situation... Just my $.02

Got my MEPS appointment set for tomorrow!!

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
Hey everyone I have been a lurker and a low poster (more of a lurker) on this site for a few months. I am currently finishing up my package for the July board scored a 7/7/6 61 on the ASTB with a 3.2 GPA. Currently finishing up my SF 86 som my package will be complete by early May to send to the July board. My OR was saying that the July board should be similar to the March board. Went to MEPS did great on everything (depth perception was cake and 20/15 vision) but have to go back for a psych consult. Just wanted to introduce myself and see where others were at with their package. Also applying for SNA/NFO/SWO.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
Ya my OR wants to get my package out by May 1st just incase they have rolling boards. It def sucks getting references from all previous employers in last 3 years lol since I am 25 and had a ton of part time jobs as a student.


Active Member
Ya my OR wants to get my package out by May 1st just incase they have rolling boards. It def sucks getting references from all previous employers in last 3 years lol since I am 25 and had a ton of part time jobs as a student.

Ya! I am having this exact issue. I'm 26 and can't tell you how many little jobs I worked over summer or during semesters with a light class load during undergrad and my masters program. Half of my supervisors do not work for the companies anymore, and a lot of them I only held for a few months as a part timer... It's hard for anyone to give a glowing reference if they can't even remember you... I have been at my current job for almost 2 years. It's a great company, and I've built a great résumé. However, asking for references is very sketchy business.... We have a very stringent no compete policy, a stringent down stream policy(can't go to work for a customer). Our company is laced with trade secrets and other top secret crap. People who have asked for recommendations are told it will take a month to get one from our VP, and often times these employees are "let go" mysteriously and with out cause(we are an at will company). It's kind of a hostile situation.

Anyway... I was under the understanding that dd370 was a reference form that could be filled out by employers/educators/or other types .. Generally senior officers that you know and can reccomend you. I was told I needed between three and five dd370's. I used officer references... Now I'm being told I need a reference from my current and immediate former employer...

Hopefully NavyOffRec could shine some light here for us...(thanks in advance) is it necessary to obtain references from these employers on a dd370, or will references from officers suffice? What can be done if a reference from an employer is requested, but not possible to get? I did list the names and last known contact information for these people that were my supervisors at past jobs on my application documents... Any info would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
Ya! I am having this exact issue. I'm 26 and can't tell you how many little jobs I worked over summer or during semesters with a light class load during undergrad and my masters program. Half of my supervisors do not work for the companies anymore, and a lot of them I only held for a few months as a part timer... It's hard for anyone to give a glowing reference if they can't even remember you... I have been at my current job for almost 2 years. It's a great company, and I've built a great résumé. However, asking for references is very sketchy business.... We have a very stringent no compete policy, a stringent down stream policy(can't go to work for a customer). Our company is laced with trade secrets and other top secret crap. People who have asked for recommendations are told it will take a month to get one from our VP, and often times these employees are "let go" mysteriously and with out cause(we are an at will company). It's kind of a hostile situation.

Anyway... I was under the understanding that dd370 was a reference form that could be filled out by employers/educators/or other types .. Generally senior officers that you know and can reccomend you. I was told I needed between three and five dd370's. I used officer references... Now I'm being told I need a reference from my current and immediate former employer...

Hopefully NavyOffRec could shine some light here for us...(thanks in advance) is it necessary to obtain references from these employers on a dd370, or will references from officers suffice? What can be done if a reference from an employer is requested, but not possible to get? I did list the names and last known contact information for these people that were my supervisors at past jobs on my application documents... Any info would be appreciated.

Thank you!
Ya it is making me feel like I bounce around too much so I have been stressing about it. I have been working full time since August. But ya some dont really remember me one former employer marked averages for everything then wrote "Spencer would be a great candadiate for the Navy"
I wouldn't worry about it too much. I didn't have to go to any of my employers to ask for references with a DD370 form. From my understanding that is just one possible way of getting references, but the best way is to seek out those letters of recommendation on your own. The only information I listed for my employers was the supervisors' information if they wish to get in contact with them. From my personal experience my supervisor was never contacted before I got a pro-rec (I work alongside him on a daily basis). My recruiter never mentioned needing reference letters from my employers and expressed that the DD370 was a secondary option if I didn't want to go through the more formal options of getting reference letters. I would seek out former educators if they can give you solid references as well as former officers in your community. If you don't know of any offhand work your connections, tap your friends, etc. Most current and retired officers are generally helpful to anyone seeking commission as long as you present yourself in a respectful manner and show them you possess characteristics befitting a potential officer. Be humble and gracious! You may even try your local VFW or other Veteran organizations. Also think about contacting local Senators or Congressmen/women, especially those with military background.

Don't fret having bounced around from job to job. Most applicants are fresh out of college or with just a few years out and their work experience is going to be all over the place unless they stayed local. I worked sporadically throughout college with a number of part-time jobs. The fact that you even worked part-time is probably a plus in your column as many students don't work during college. I think your work history is going to be much less important than showing good grades.

P.S. DD370 should be your last resort. It is a pretty informal way of asking for a reference/recommendation and would likely leave the person asking why you didn't just meet them face to face. Your experience on this may vary based on recruiter, but mine emphasized 3-5 LORs and only mentioned DD370 when I was having difficulty going the standard route. I hope this helps and isn't completely off the mark.


Well-Known Member
P.S. DD370 should be your last resort. It is a pretty informal way of asking for a reference/recommendation and would likely leave the person asking why you didn't just meet them face to face. Your experience on this may vary based on recruiter, but mine emphasized 3-5 LORs and only mentioned DD370 when I was having difficulty going the standard route. I hope this helps and isn't completely off the mark.

DD370 is REQUIRED, whether the processor at the NRD follows up to the person with one or it is initially sent it has to be submitted if the LOR is one of the primary LOR's, to make a statement a year ago NRC out of the blue rejected application that did not have them, from then on the NRD processors had to make sure they were there, and I can tell you it doesn't take much for an employer or someone else to cut and paste their LOR into the block on page 2 of the LOR.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
DD370 is REQUIRED, whether the processor at the NRD follows up to the person with one or it is initially sent it has to be submitted if the LOR is one of the primary LOR's, to make a statement a year ago NRC out of the blue rejected application that did not have them, from then on the NRD processors had to make sure they were there, and I can tell you it doesn't take much for an employer or someone else to cut and paste their LOR into the block on page 2 of the LOR.

I had all references do a DD370 and they could copy and paste or send an attachment for personal narrative.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Ya? it is making me feel like I bounce around too much so I have been stressing about it. I have been working full time since August. But ya some don't really remember me. One former employer marked averages for everything then wrote "Spencer would be a great candadiate for the Navy"
Spenz, with all due respect... if you aspire to be a Naval Officer, your writing (grammar/punctuation/spelling) need more attention. You're a college grad (WSU?), write like one even on this site. Someday when you are a DivO, your Sailor's promotions will often be determined by your written communication skills.;)

For all recent aspirents new to AW: First impressions are important. Some of the winged members reading your posts, may someday down the road, be your DH/XO/CO. Your writing skills will be graded equally to that of your airmanship, in your fitness reports [read PROMOTIONS)! Start now... when posting here, don't come across writing like a HS dropout, but rather as an alum of a top-notch College/University!:)
*The PEN can be as mighty as the SWORD!

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
Spenz, with all due respect... if you aspire to be a Naval Officer, your writing (grammar/punctuation/spelling) need more attention. You're a college grad (WSU?), write like one even on this site. Someday when you are a DivO, your Sailor's promotions will often be determined by your written communication skills.;)

For all recent aspirants new to AW: First impressions are important. Some of the winged members reading your posts, may someday down the road, be your DH/XO/CO. Your writing skills will be graded equally to that of your airmanship, in your fitness reports [read PROMOTIONS)! Start now... when posting here, don't come across writing like a HS dropout, but rather as an alum of a top-notch College/University!:)
*The PEN can be as mighty as the SWORD!
Sorry. I have used my iPhone.