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Navy Pilot/ NFO "Rolling" Boards MAR/APR 2013

John Gil

Well-Known Member
I am still waiting on my conditional release extension which has hopefully should come in this week sometime (crossing my fingers) and then my application can finally go to the board. I'm hoping that I still have time to make this board! Good luck to everyone!
I'm sure you'll be fine. When I talked to my OR and processor they told me to plan on waiting until the July board, so I'm not holding my breath. My package has been in over a month.


Pro-Rec SNFO May, 3rd 2013
I'm sure you'll be fine. When I talked to my OR and processor they told me to plan on waiting until the July board, so I'm not holding my breath. My package has been in over a month.

I agree, I will be okay because it's still early in the month. Pers-9 can't sit on my paperwork for too much longer, their butts have to be pretty sore by now haha. One thing I can point out is that if the board was in July they probably wouldn't let NRDs submit applications for people who are currently still in (ie. reserves, active duty) this early because conditional releases are only good for around 45 days after they have been signed by Navy Manpower. Who knows though, there is no use speculating. All we can do is wait and see what or if anything happens.

John Gil

Well-Known Member
I agree, I will be okay because it's still early in the month. Pers-9 can't sit on my paperwork for too much longer, their butts have to be pretty sore by now haha. One thing I can point out is that if the board was in July they probably wouldn't let NRDs submit applications for people who are currently still in (ie. reserves, active duty) this early because conditional releases are only good for around 45 days after they have been signed by Navy Manpower. Who knows though, there is no use speculating. All we can do is wait and see what or if anything happens.
As all priors know.... The Navy doesn't always do things that make sense. I hope you're right though and we get a board date this week.


When I talked to my OR and processor they told me to plan on waiting until the July board, so I'm not holding my breath.

I'm being processed under NRD Ohio, and my recruiter has echoed this same sentiment. Chief told me to plan on submitting for July's board. Also, he stated he has not yet received any communication indicating that an official "rolling" board will be convening prior to mid-July.. :(


I'm being processed under NRD Ohio, and my recruiter has echoed this same sentiment. Chief told me to plan on submitting for July's board. Also, he stated he has not yet received any communication indicating that an official "rolling" board will be convening prior to mid-July.. :(

It's killing me how everyone is getting mixed opinions on the next boards. I have a hard time understanding why the NRD down in Houston would make that statement about the Navy seeking NFOs and SNAs right now, if they were making everyone wait until July???

John Gil

Well-Known Member
It's killing me how everyone is getting mixed opinions on the next boards. I have a hard time understanding why the NRD down in Houston would make that statement about the Navy seeking NFOs and SNAs right now, if they were making everyone wait until July???
I have no doubt that when they released that message they were under the impression or had some word they would be having more boards. But, as we can see they have released no date for a April board, and I don't imagine them doing one right before the scheduled board. None the less, my goal is to be a naval officer, and hurry up and wait is the second motto of the armed forces from my experience. If they have one I'll be pumped because I'm in my last Window for pilot, if not then it wasn't in the cards and I'll look forward to being considered for NFO and SWO. I know there are some others in an age tight Window like mine. Good luck to everyone none the less.


It's killing me how everyone is getting mixed opinions on the next boards. I have a hard time understanding why the NRD down in Houston would make that statement about the Navy seeking NFOs and SNAs right now, if they were making everyone wait until July???

I completely understand what you're going through, my friend. According to various posts on this site, it seems there's just a tiny delay behind what the Navy plans to do and when the Navy will actually be able to make that happen. How incredible would it be if there was another 100% selection rate for the next official board, though?! Those guys from March lucked out BIG TIME. I can only hope we're as fortunate.. :)


Well-Known Member
I have no doubt that when they released that message they were under the impression or had some word they would be having more boards. But, as we can see they have released no date for a April board, and I don't imagine them doing one right before the scheduled board. None the less, my goal is to be a naval officer, and hurry up and wait is the second motto of the armed forces from my experience. If they have one I'll be pumped because I'm in my last Window for pilot, if not then it wasn't in the cards and I'll look forward to being considered for NFO and SWO. I know there are some others in an age tight Window like mine. Good luck to everyone none the less.

Rolling boards do not have actual dates released, they are held when the board president decides to hold them.


Pro-Rec SNFO May, 3rd 2013
I can add to what NavyOffRec just stated. My processor just told me via e-mail on Friday, April 5th that "boards for NFO 13700 (and SNA, she just told me NFO because that is my first choice) are now rolling which means held monthly". There will be no board date announced, it will just happen. It is still early in the month and they could be waiting for more applications to come in before convening. My gut tells me its going to happen and my OR and processor are still confident that the board will take place this month and next. Good luck to everyone and some special luck to you age critical gentlemen.


All day, every day!
Here's an update as requested by arianjalali. The missing document in my packet was an eye exam done within 1 week of heading to MEPS. Apparently this is either a new requirement or I'm just incredibly special and have to get one done. I haven't heard about anybody else on the forum having this issue thus far. My PRK surgery was in June 2011 and I already turned in all my documents for that surgery, along with the nifty little checklist for your opthamologist. Recruiter says the processor says that MEPS doctors say they want an eye exam done the same week to compare with your MEPS visit.

I told the recruiter, if I have to get an eye exam it will be a couple of hundred dollars out of my pocket (play broke student card here, cue sad violin music from Schindler's List) since my insurance only pays for one a year, so either see we can see if they'll give me a free pass (doubtful) or he can send me a list of what measurements they want and I'll go to the student health center and see what they can do.


Well-Known Member
Here's an update as requested by arianjalali. The missing document in my packet was an eye exam done within 1 week of heading to MEPS. Apparently this is either a new requirement or I'm just incredibly special and have to get one done. I haven't heard about anybody else on the forum having this issue thus far. My PRK surgery was in June 2011 and I already turned in all my documents for that surgery, along with the nifty little checklist for your opthamologist. Recruiter says the processor says that MEPS doctors say they want an eye exam done the same week to compare with your MEPS visit.

I told the recruiter, if I have to get an eye exam it will be a couple of hundred dollars out of my pocket (play broke student card here, cue sad violin music from Schindler's List) since my insurance only pays for one a year, so either see we can see if they'll give me a free pass (doubtful) or he can send me a list of what measurements they want and I'll go to the student health center and see what they can do.

Some MEPS docs like to see extra things, this is outside the normal scope of exams needed.

Shermin Manalel

New Member
Hey all! I went to MEPS on December 28, 2012 and everything checked out except my weight: I was 216 lbs and the cut-off is 201 lbs. at my height of 6'0'' even. I was temporarily DQ because of this. Apparently, even with this temporary disqualification, my kit was submitted for the February board and I found out that I was selected for NFO/SWO at the end of February/early March, which is interesting because my medical info. wasn't submitted yet. I returned to MEPS on March 18th, became fully qualified (shed 20 lbs. and dropped to 196 lbs., I was stoked!) and my medical information was then submitted/re-submitted? Now, like someone said earlier, I don't want to keep pestering Chief because I guess I should be patiently waiting, but I shot him a quick text today to get an update and he said, "Good on medical just need to ensure across programs". I'm assuming this means that my kit will be re-submitted to these "rolling boards" (Top 3: NFO/SNA/SWO)? Chief mentioned that as soon as the medical info. checks out a "Select Letter" is soon to follow (or something along those lines). According to the NRD Houston website that was posted earlier in the thread, the next OCS dates are 21 Apr. and 12 May to meet the remaining FY2013 shipping goals. Coming up here real quick!

I should probably just "hurry up and wait" like the rest of us, but any clarification/information you guys have would be greatly appreciated! I'm also hoping Chief gets back to me within the week. I'm eager to get to it! Thanks everyone!
