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Navy Pilot/ NFO "Rolling" Boards MAR/APR 2013


My OR mentioned that he hadn't any news to report. I don't think there was a board. It was mentioned earlier that applications were being reviewed on a one-for-one basis, so maybe that is what happened.

I wouldn't get worked-up over a board that may or may not have met. I know some of us - including me - are age critical, but there is little point in fretting over it. If it's in the cards, we'll know soon.


New Member
Hey all, non-prior here. Age 23. Graduating in May with Bachelor's in Science. Cumulative GPA 3.6 possibly 3.7 by graduation. Program GPA 3.8.

My father is a Master Cheif so I know just a little about how things roll, but not much. I am retaking the ASTB, as I had only 6 days to study prior to testing. My hopes are for Pilot/SWO/NFO in that order. I am having trouble finding study material on specific aircraft though. I had a question on the test that asked "Which aircraft is the best suited for air to surface attacks?" I had no clue and I cant find out where to find that material on all aircraft names, spec.s, purposes etc. Any help would be appreciated.

Also these boards are "rolling," so does that implie first come first served? I was told by my OR that these boards werent till June or July; Are they the same ones?


Well-Known Member
Air to surface. Think about what carries what..If your choices are:


The Hornet would be the best choice under most circumstances. The P-3 COULD be a good one, for certain things, but without knowing exact loadouts, I'll roll with the Hornet.

The 60F doesn't have any Anti Surface weapons with as much bite as the other two (but could match the P-3 for ASW) and the E-2 has no weapons, period.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
The Hornet would be the best choice under most circumstances. The P-3 COULD be a good one, for certain things,:rolleyes: but without knowing exact loadouts, I'll roll with the Hornet...
No brainer... F/A-18 Hornet!;)


Active Member
Hey guys, have been lurking for awhile... I'm 26, male, non prior, turn 27 in December, so not a lot of time... Anyway, I'm a 2.8 GPA, first two years were sub 2.0, second two were 3.5 plus. I was unfocused, well that's not true, just not focused on the right things(beer, women, and race cars were more fun) program GPA was 3.8. Anyway, ASTB was 7/7/7 65. I am applied for SNA,NFO, and supply. I too have been told that there are "rolling boards." I was basically told they are taking applications and they are being reviewed as they come in. I was told that 1 April was the drop dead date for applications to be submitted for this "special board" .... Anyway, mine went in around March 18th/19th. I still need to go through meps in mid April .... And am awaiting any kind of news.... I feel like I'm in the same boat as some of the guys above. Thanks for having me. I am glad to be here!


Hey guys, have been lurking for awhile... I'm 26, male, non prior, turn 27 in December, so not a lot of time... Anyway, I'm a 2.8 GPA, first two years were sub 2.0, second two were 3.5 plus. I was unfocused, well that's not true, just not focused on the right things(beer, women, and race cars were more fun) program GPA was 3.8. Anyway, ASTB was 7/7/7 65. I am applied for SNA,NFO, and supply. I too have been told that there are "rolling boards." I was basically told they are taking applications and they are being reviewed as they come in. I was told that 1 April was the drop dead date for applications to be submitted for this "special board" .... Anyway, mine went in around March 18th/19th. I still need to go through meps in mid April .... And am awaiting any kind of news.... I feel like I'm in the same boat as some of the guys above. Thanks for having me. I am glad to be here!

Why retest with those test scores??? I would still put in and try! Hell, I'm going into this thing with a 45 OAR 6/5/4. I'd KILL to have scores that good! Best of luck to you!


Active Member
Haha, I am not planning on re testing! (not sure where you got that) I was proud of my scores... considering I was given 6 days heads up on taking the test... I have been pursuing the AF, and just happened into a family friend that told me about these "special" boards, and that the Navy was looking to hire. Needless to say I jumped on it. Considering my GPA, my recruiter wasnt going to waste his time with me unless I did well on the ASTB. Considering the time frames, I had less then a week to take the ASTB...


Haha, I am not planning on re testing! (not sure where you got that) I was proud of my scores... considering I was given 6 days heads up on taking the test... I have been pursuing the AF, and just happened into a family friend that told me about these "special" boards, and that the Navy was looking to hire. Needless to say I jumped on it. Considering my GPA, my recruiter wasnt going to waste his time with me unless I did well on the ASTB. Considering the time frames, I had less then a week to take the ASTB...

Oh wow... I completely misread something on the forum here and I messed that up... FAIL. LOL! But wow thats awesome man!! Best of luck to you! I am hopeful for an NFO slot, and I put that as my number one choice! Then SWO, then SNA. I put everything this order because my OR told me that its what I have a shot at having most, competitively speaking with my scores and GPA the way that it is. As for well-roundedness, my package is pretty stout! Eagle Scout, building a 5 mile greenway community park, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, Crossfit 6x a week, participate in 5,8, & 10ks every other week, and have some pretty strong LORs from Two Lt. Colonels that were flight & NFO instructors at NASP, One Major, One U.S House Rep, and outstanding work references.

I just want to get my foot in the door!! Or at least trying to!


Active Member
Thats awesome man. Sounds like your package is pretty strong and well rounded. Mine is ok I suppose, but not at that level. I am with ya on the getting the foot in the door. My objective is to serve as a Naval officer... if I miss out on being able to get aviation, I will put in for anything and everything.

Good luck to you man!! It sounds like you have the passion needed to go through with the roller coaster that is the application and selection process. I suppose it helps to know I am not alone... Stay in touch... Where in the country are you GISpirate?


Thanks man!! You sound pretty strong yourself my friend...ESPECIALLY with those kick A$$ test scores!! And I happen to be from North Carolina. What about you Z0gsxr??


Pro-Rec SNFO May, 3rd 2013
Here is a quick shot of motivation for SNA and SNFO hopefuls! NAS Whidbey Island and EA-18 Growler style!

Enjoy. I have no idea who originally posted the video though.


All day, every day!
My OR and I decided that in order to increase my chances of getting selected, we're going to put a whole bunch of rare earth magnets in my application to attract the metal darts they throw at the applications (blindfolded, of course) to select who gets pro-rec'd.

Ha ha. Actually just went and signed some MEPS paperwork today. We're shooting for the rolling board after MEPS appointment on Monday. I pulled my overall GPA up by 0.1 to 3.3 this quarter, 24 units with a 3.533 GPA. Also reworking motivational statement and getting 2 more recommendation letters... I think my ASTB was 7/6/6/60. No priors, 25 female, Mechanical Engineering.