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Oct 2013 IDC/SWO-IDC Options Board


Well-Known Member
I was curious if my Masters of Science in International Relations is considered technical. I know most undergrad IR degrees are not, but I took Survey, research methods and econ, which is why it is considered a science.

Any ideas how they will take that? Any idea on quotas yet?

Generally in the eyes of the NRC "technical" means calculus and calculus based physics are involved.


Well-Known Member
Any idea how much weight the Master's carries?

We have to wait two-to-four weeks now? Last time I thought you knew in a couple of days.

The IDC board is remote, so technically they could have rec'd the CD's and done the board already, or the CD's could be on the desk of the reviewing officers, a safe bet is 2-4 weeks.

How much a Master's carries will depend on the board, none of those I had accepted into IDC had a Master's, but they did have tech degrees, you are on active duty and you say you have some Intel experience, so that is a wild card.
I've been a NS three times and I always found out here first. Then a few days later it showed up on BOL. Then about a week later my supervisor gave me the news.

When you say you found out here first, do you mean a list of Selects was published or you found out results were out?


When you say you found out here first, do you mean a list of Selects was published or you found out results were out?
NavyOffRec can find out results and he told me once. I forget who the other guy who was able to tell was. You'll see the boar get busy when they are out, then just ask.


Three different designators or three different boards?
I was NS for IW twice and supply once. I knew I stood no chance because I have no math background but the Chief in Millington told me to send it up and see if it sticks. Plus I have been told that in the case of a tie persistence can be a tiebreaker. I have been going for INTEL for some time now. I missed a board by three days because my skipper sat on it for five months. I missed another because I was in the 90 day transfer window and two were cancelled. This process has been hell, but once I get it...


Well-Known Member
Plus I have been told that in the case of a tie persistence can be a tiebreaker

You would think, but in actuality the chances of a person getting selected for a designator that they have already been not selected for drops quite a bit, I always recommended those going up again to add a designator they hadn't applied for before.


You would think, but in actuality the chances of a person getting selected for a designator that they have already been not selected for drops quite a bit, I always recommended those going up again to add a designator they hadn't applied for before.
That's great idea, as long as you are not limited due to age. I think I can apply for three des and one required a waiver.


Arts and Crafts SME
That's great idea, as long as you are not limited due to age. I think I can apply for three des and one required a waiver.
This is my first pass but I'm in a similar position; no prior service and just turned 29 limits me to IDC only (as far as I can tell), at least for the genoff programs. If I don't make it, my only option with Navy is to look for ways to improve my package and try again. I imagine that must be the case for a lot of people who enter the OCS pipeline in their late 20s, right?


This is my first pass but I'm in a similar position; no prior service and just turned 29 limits me to IDC only (as far as I can tell), at least for the genoff programs. If I don't make it, my only option with Navy is to look for ways to improve my package and try again. I imagine that must be the case for a lot of people who enter the OCS pipeline in their late 20s, right?
You can get waivers for anything, just depends on the program manager. You can still go supply and PAO. If you check CNRC just look at the ammendments and it will show you changes. PAO just went up to 42 not that long ago, I should probably apply for that considering I'm an MC, I'm just ready for a change from this community.


Well-Known Member
You can get waivers for anything, just depends on the program manager. You can still go supply and PAO. If you check CNRC just look at the ammendments and it will show you changes. PAO just went up to 42 not that long ago, I should probably apply for that considering I'm an MC, I'm just ready for a change from this community.

PAO has only been selecting fleet applicants, so you would have a decent shot.

Supply max age is 29 unless you are prior service, then it is month for month up to age 31


Arts and Crafts SME
Thanks for the encouragement, Kory, but the two points above from NavyOffRec are why I'm limited to IDC. Don't get me wrong, intelligence work (yes, even preparing PowerPoint briefings) is what I'm passionate about and would have been my first choice regardless, but if it doesn't work out I wish I had other Navy options because I'm equally passionate about serving and leading as an officer.

I'm confident that I have a good shot at this board, but I'm a contingency planner by nature! In the event I am a NS, I will probably start working on applications with the three-letter agencies here in the DC area in parallel to resubmitting IDC. Hopefully that's a moot point though!