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Octuplet mom is relying on state to provide for her


Well-Known Member
I'm ashamed to admit it...but I just watched Dr Phil that devoted the whole episode to this woman.....He had a plastic surgeon on that confirmed that the Ocho Mama has had at least $30K worth of plastic surgery.

IMMEDIATE revocation of man-card!


Hey, not to sound like a jerk or anything, but I know the Duggar family personally- they are friends of ours from AR and they have NEVER taken any form of welfare. Our religion is very much against that sort of irresponsibilty. So please lay off of them- they are truly good and responsible parents. We've been to their house numerous times to see it in action.

We personally have 8 and a half children who we raise on an 03 salary. We consider them to be blessings, and we would NEVER dream of taking any sort of hand out for them. That is utterly recockulous! If we couldn't afford them or didn't want them we wouldn't have asked to be blessed with them.

This octo. mom has no business using IVF so irresponsibly and then making all of us pay for her choices. That is just plain wrong. It is unfair to make other hard working americans pay for her selfishness. And don't even get me started on how wrong it is for those poor kids to grow up without a man in the house.

Sorry if this offends anyone


Well-Known Member
Regardless of if they are nice people, I just don't get the "quiver full" types whether they are part of that movement or not.

While the people who have a crapton of kids may not be on "Welfare" I do pay 3 to infinite times more taxes they do. Which I view as welfare.


Oh- I agree the tax issue is horrible. We feel very strongly that we shouldn't be getting back other people's money just because of our choice to have more children than others. But that is is issue that needs to be resolved in our government. The tax system penalizes you and other hard workers in all sorts of ways-not just with this. But I think it's unfair to blame bad political policy on those of us who are quiverfull. Sorry


Nihongo dame desu
Even if they've never taken welfare or any public assistance (which I am not at all sure of), I still think it is a comletely irresponsible lifestyle.

If nothing else, the environmental issues alone are staggering.

The Duggars may at least have a stable lifestyle to offer their kids, as compared to Octopussy, but IMO, they are both making socially irresponsible choices.


I guess it depends on what you think is socially irresponsible. I know plenty of people with only one child who are raising them to not become productive members of American society. I'd like to think our 8/9 will not be like that because of the way we are raising them.


One caution, please for this discussion. I am hopeful this conversation does not bring the wrong feelings towards families with multiples. Sometimes you take the cards your dealt and you learn that the hand is good...and a heck of a lot of fun and work.

Whatever the reason, this woman and the Duggers, like her, have chosen to fill their lives with children. I don't necessarily agree, but I won't judge nor condemn her or the children.

Just thoughts from dad of 4 (including triplets).


Stickygdm- that was very nicely put. And may I add that it is awesome that you have triplets! We just have singles.

I don't think the octo mom speaks poorly of people who have been dealt mulitples, but it does make you question her motivation for having that number of children at all. The way I understand it she went into this knowing she had no job, no proper housing, no husband, and without the support of her family. She already had 6 children so she obviously knew that it would take more than hope and magic beans to raise them. In my opinion she knew full and well that the government (us) would be supporting her child(ren) no matter how many she actually delivered.


Super Moderator
Except weren't they on public assistance in the past? Back when they only had 8 or 10 or 12 kids? Now they make money of whoring themselves out to TLC, apparantly oblivious to the irony of a family that allows almost no television because it is a bad influence, but who stars in their own reality show.

From what I remember watching the first show about them, my wife didn't give me much choice, they hadn't been able to finish their 'house' for the family because of lack of funds. But they got it done with TLC's help.

I have no problem with someone wanting a lot of kids, but they should be able to provide for them. You shouldn't need a village, or a TV show.


I'm sorry to disagree, but Jim Bob did have the funds to complete their house- what he didn't have was the time before Michelle delivered. Originally they wanted to have the house done prior to their daughter being born. It honestly wasn't a fund issue. Even back when they were in their little house, they had the money to to invest into a bigger property- they were just waiting on the right land, etc.

Having said that though, they DID "profit" via a few things (mainly a decorator (but not all the furnishings) and also a VERY nice piano by making this special.

Jim Bob has worked really hard for his money and invested it very wisely, so I can say in all honesty that they have never taken a governmental handout in the form of welfare. Like I said, we do know them personally, and our "religion" frowns on welfare. But you are absolutly correct that they profited in "things" from the network.

I personally don't see anything wrong with that though. They were paid for the "service" of letting people come into their home and film them and have it aired on television. That's why I'm not objecting to these people who want to donate diapers and things to this octo woman out of the kindness of their hearts. But for her to put us in a position to pay for the birthing and bringing up of these children is wrong.

oh- and also, just to be clear, they are currently "profiting" from their new series, but in the past, it has been more in the form of reimbursements, and things. I don't want to mislead and say they aren't getting paid- they are getting paid for their time, etc. But it is not the overwhelming amount one might think, and also like I said, they were able to provide without the money they were given for the shows.


Super Moderator
I'm sorry to disagree......It honestly wasn't a fund issue.......I can say in all honesty that they have never taken a governmental handout in the form of welfare. Like I said, we do know them personally, and our "religion" frowns on welfare.

I don't know them, just had to endure the TV show. I get what you are saying, but still don't agree with the while thing. As long as they are not a burden to society, that would be the main point. I believe Ms. Suleman and her family are/will be. Simple as that.