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Octuplet mom is relying on state to provide for her


Nihongo dame desu
And have they ever gotten money from their church? A quick search of the interwens (which are always correct) certianly seems to suggest that. Certainly, it's better than taking money from the guv'ment, but is it really okay to keep having kids when you are relying on church donations? (Assuming they did?)

I certainly don't have anything agaisnt anyone who has multiples. Sometimes, it happens. But when you already have 6 kids that you aren't paying for on your own, certainly intentionally having more is ridiculous. And it is pretty unlikely that responsible application of fertility treatments led to this litter of 8. That's a reprehensible move on the part of the mom and the doctor.


They have NEVER gotten money from the church, and may I add that my husband is a former pastor. I can tell you that they do GIVE to the church in numberous ways above and beyond money And also, so you know, they are in a church that is made up of several families of which Jim Bob is one of the elders. They are a home church. We know several of the families and count them as friends. There is no physical building, treasury, etc. It is not a "church" like you are thinking.

But I think the Duggars, or people like my family are VERY different that the octomom- I don't even know why the comparison is made. This woman seems to have been freeloading back when she had 6 and went into that pregancy knowing she would again be asking the gov. to foot the bill.


New Member
MSNBC stated in an article that it will cost approximately $1.4 million to raise 14 kids to the age of 18. (not including any college or schooling)


Kinder and Gentler
8 and a half children? Just how long have you been married, if you don't mind my asking. (Pardon me, if I missed this in another post.)


I guess that would depend on how you raise them. I would think there could be a lot of factors involved in that. Obviously, lots of people who have chosen to have large families try and live very frugally. I guess it all depends on your lifestyle.

Cobra Commander

Awesome Bill from Dawsonville
We personally have 8 and a half children who we raise on an 03 salary. We consider them to be blessings, and we would NEVER dream of taking any sort of hand out for them. That is utterly recockulous! If we couldn't afford them or didn't want them we wouldn't have asked to be blessed with them.

How the deuce do you have half a child?


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
The quiverfull movement has some fundamental flaws in its ideology. Most of it appears to be just plain crazy/bordering on a cult.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
How about this novel idea.......the STATE sues the doctor for medical malpractice and his liability insurance/he pays for reimbursement of the costs of the children while the mother is charged with something minor yet related to the doctors bad decision.


New Member
But I think the Duggars, or people like my family are VERY different that the octomom- I don't even know why the comparison is made. This woman seems to have been freeloading back when she had 6 and went into that pregancy knowing she would again be asking the gov. to foot the bill.

And so we're back to my original point^^

Now then, first of all, how long have you known the Duggars? You may know my parents :). Also, thanks for explaining everything a bit better than I could. Now then, to everyone else, you've slammed on them quite a bit, and failed pretty miserably at trying to turn them into the psycho-freaks that you may think they are. As I said earlier, they are actually no where near as cookoo as many would think.


To Kazimake- We've known the Duggars for almost 8 years. We met them when we lived in the same town in AR, where my husband was helping pastor a church. We met through mutual friends and through our work with the RNC. The Duggars actually left First Baptist Church after they were out of college, if I remember Michelle properly- just so you know- I believe that is where you said your parents met them. I doubt I know your parents- perhaps, but I am 33, so I'm a bit younger than Jim Bob and Michelle and not originally from AR.

And to continue my rant about large families and welfare, I think there are probably plenty of parents with only one or two children who milk the welfare system. The system is wrong, regardless of how many children you are using it to take advantage of.

The thing that ticks me off so much about the Octo woman is that she went into the doctor knowing that she had no job, no medical insurance, no husband, parents who were against the idea, no house, etc. and was ALREADY ON welfare and asked for more mouths to feed. In what realm could that doctor possibly have thought that was a good idea??? They should both be ashamed of themselves. She not only planned the pregnancy, she planned to rip off every hard working american by asking us to financially raise all 14 of her children. It's shameful! And, I know I am extrememly prejudiced, but she gives those of us with large familes a bad name.


Super Moderator
Now then, first of all, how long have you known the Duggars? You may know my parents :).

To Kamikazi- We've known the Duggars for almost 8 years.......

And I thought it was a joke that everyone in the sticks was related.......

Now then, to everyone else, you've slammed on them quite a bit, and failed pretty miserably at trying to turn them into the psycho-freaks that you may think they are. As I said earlier, they are actually no where near as cookoo as many would think.

Nowhere near 'everyone else' is trying to portray them as 'psycho-freaks', though many are questioning their life choices as I do. I think it is a reasonable thing to do, especially since they have made the very concious choice to make their lives so public. So simmer down a little bit, it is only the internets.

P.S. The quote in your profile is wrongly attributed, from what I can find Ben Franklin never said that.


Well-Known Member
P.S. The quote in your profile is wrongly attributed, from what I can find Ben Franklin never said that.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

Widely attributed to Franklin on the internet, sometimes without the second sentence. It is not found in any of his known writings, and the word "lunch" is not known to have appeared anywhere in english literature until the 1820s, decades after his death. The phrasing itself has a very modern tone and the second sentence especially might not even be as old as the internet. Some of these observations are made in response to a query at Google Answers.

A far rarer but somewhat more credible variation also occurs: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner." Web searches on these lines uncovers the earliest definite citations for such a statement credit libertarian author James Bovard with a similar one in the Sacramento Bee (1994):

"Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner."

This statement also definitely occurs in the "Conclusion" (p. 333) of his book Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty (1994) ISBN 0312123337



New Member
And I thought it was a joke that everyone in the sticks was related.......

Nowhere near 'everyone else' is trying to portray them as 'psycho-freaks', though many are questioning their life choices as I do. I think it is a reasonable thing to do, especially since they have made the very concious choice to make their lives so public. So simmer down a little bit, it is only the internets.

P.S. The quote in your profile is wrongly attributed, from what I can find Ben Franklin never said that.

Aye, it was a long day at work and over the years I've grown very tired of having to explain large-families, homeschooling, etc. to people. I overreacted a bit. You have every right to question their choices, and that wasn't what I was so upset about.

Now then, this thread is about a woman who (for some reason) decided to have a rediculous number of kids when she apparently does not have the means to support them. Let's get back to that ;)

P.S. Noted. Removed the Ben Franklin bit.


I just think we need to stick to the discussion about the octo mom without making any gross assumptions about other large families.

I'm sure that some of you have 2 children. I would never come on this board and jump to the conclusion that you are a murderering psychopath, because Susan Smith was also a mother of 2 who then murdered them.

Likewise I'm sure there are some dad's of one child out there that would never lock their daughter in a basement for 24 years and rape her like Josef Fritzl did.

And I guess Adolf Hitler didn't have children, so....

The octo woman has 8 children and is a letch. She is doing something wrong by most people's standards. It's not just her number of children- She was just as much of a welfare money sucking letch when she only had the one. Statistically there are lots of people on welfare who DO in fact only have one or who have small families. In my opinion they are just as wrong.

Please stop comparing her to me and other people who have large families. We are not all that irresponsible. We don't all take handouts. We aren't all that oportunistic. Some of us just genuinely love God and family. Comparing the Duggars, or my family to octomom is like apples and oranges.

and also- as far as "all of us from the sticks knowing each other", I'm from a large metropolitan area up north. But by all means, keep the classy statements coming.