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Octuplet mom is relying on state to provide for her


Well-Known Member
This is like a Ready Room.. The more you protest, the more the sharks start circling..

(Where is Brett when we need him?!)


Of course she'll get bailed out- what a moron! Apparently they were 10 months behind on the mortgage. How many mortgage payments do you reckon it took to have all that plastic surgery? Perhaps if she spent less (of our) money on her lip injections and fake nails and more on say.... food, shelter, and clothing for her kids they wouldn't be taking the house.

I mean, sure I'd like to have my boobs done- but at the end of the month I'm spending the money on raising our kids. Could she be any more selfish?

What an opourtunistic hussy!


Well-Known Member
Nice to see that she can afford web hosting, and a professionally designed website. I guess you gotta spend money to make money, huh?


Oh, this just keeps getting better by the hour....


I love how the Dad says not to punish his daughter because the babies are a gift from God. I guess I missunderstood, because I thought the babies were a gift from the state.

And why pray tell, do we not have the right to punish her? Goodness knows she is punishing all of us by having us pay what will amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars for her irresponsibilty.

I don't get it. But I guess we'll just have to wait to see what Oprah says...:icon_roll


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
This is like a Ready Room.. The more you protest, the more the sharks start circling..

(Where is Brett when we need him?!)

Here I am, being forced to use the limited bandwidth available to speak directly to you all from the tip of the spear.

I don't even know where to start here. Everything I've seen come out of this moron's mouth confirms to me that she is insane and incapable of raising ANY (much less 14) children. The state should take each of those children away and place them with deserving, sane parents. Why is it so difficult for some of you to accept the notion that this woman deserves the harshest possible criticism? What is it about this situation that somehow makes us unable or unworthy of judging her? She has engaged in creating a situation that is necessarily harmful to her children, and, in my estimation, is guilty of criminal neglect of said children.

Who among you will stand up for her? I dare you!



Working Plan B
Here I am, being forced to use the limited bandwidth available to speak directly to you all from the tip of the spear.

I don't even know where to start here. Everything I've seen come out of this moron's mouth confirms to me that she is insane and incapable of raising ANY (much less 14) children. The state should take each of those children away and place them with deserving, sane parents. Why is it so difficult for some of you to accept the notion that this woman deserves the harshest possible criticism? What is it about this situation that somehow makes us unable or unworthy of judging her? She has engaged in creating a situation that is necessarily harmful to her children, and, in my estimation, is guilty of criminal neglect of said children.

Who among you will stand up for her? I dare you!


Which spear? / Don't answer that, just keep my abroad-ass safe. Thanks.


Brett- I don't think anyone has defended her yet. From what I've read everyone seems to agree this woman is being rewarded for her irresponsibility.

Did you all see Fox News yesterday where she is trying to purchase this million dollar house with a pool. I tried to find the article again, but couldn't, but how much more could this woman possibly mooch off of the state?

It's really disturbing.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
Here I am, being forced to use the limited bandwidth available to speak directly to you all from the tip of the spear.

I don't even know where to start here. Everything I've seen come out of this moron's mouth confirms to me that she is insane and incapable of raising ANY (much less 14) children. The state should take each of those children away and place them with deserving, sane parents. Why is it so difficult for some of you to accept the notion that this woman deserves the harshest possible criticism? What is it about this situation that somehow makes us unable or unworthy of judging her? She has engaged in creating a situation that is necessarily harmful to her children, and, in my estimation, is guilty of criminal neglect of said children.

Who among you will stand up for her? I dare you!


Concur with all except her mental state. I don't believe she is crazy at all. She has an "obsession" with children (her mother's words) that is common in most females albeit more severe. She is just an extremely selfish hussy that is trying to make the opportunity of profiting millions off this situation. She also motivated by some misguided Christian doctrine. http://www.quiverfull.com/

Children are a curse from God that people mistakenly perceive as a blessing. This is due to a reverse-sour grapes phenomenon when parents try to make the best of a bad situation (read unexpected pregnancy).

O and here is the link to contact her via here fancy new website. Fell free to speak your mind, I sure did. :)


Well-Known Member
I heard that on the way to work this morning.

I'd say she shouldn't be able to get welfare, because she has an outstanding job offer that will meet her financial needs, and is within her skill set.