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Power, wave off, abort, $#%$, Eject!


Super *********
Super Moderator
Only if you want to be a permanent SDO or the LSO's butt boy for the rest of cruise.

Not true. I had to take my own (I think in 500+ left and right seat passes, my third only) just last year. Kmac you might remember this but my fuel dump failed as I'm rolling in for a short straigh-in (straight-ins are required due to DV's onboard). Quinn and I made at least 5 calls, 3 to the boss and 2 to paddles that I could not come aboard. I was 3500+lbs to heavy. I took my own wave-off in close, went to stbd D and cruised around at 260-270 KIAS to burn fuel since the ship wanted us to land asap due to having the mayor onboard, a congressman, etc. The moment I landed, I hear CAG paddles and DCAG want to see me. I heard DCAG went ballastic, as usual. I ran across CAG first and explained what happened. He was not happy with me for taking the wave-off that in close but still felt I made the right decision, especially based on the number of calls I made as to my issue. I probably should have cut it off sooner but I thought at any moment paddles was going to wave me off. We made the final call, 30 Greyhound Ball heavy, but nothing. Being that DCAG was with CAG, I didn't feel the brunt of his anger. I could see it though, just oozing out of his flight suit collar.


A wave off for wind? Never heard that one through 400+ CV traps. ....
I've done it -- given wave offs --- for not enough wind ... and they don't "count" .... as the ship was dragging one screw behind us and had to struggle to get 25 knots ... when you're in a no-wind condition *Indian Ocean* for example ... sometimes you have to try to recover --- thus down they come from marshal ... but it's a still a pass by pass affair.

The occasional wave-off for not enough wind at the ramp occurs ... you can only roll the basic angle down so far ...


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
What does the LSO say over the freq when you take your own waveoff?

Intruder Driver

All Weather Attack
I've done it -- given wave offs --- for not enough wind ... and they don't "count" .... as the ship was dragging one screw behind us and had to struggle to get 25 knots ...

The occasional wave-off for not enough wind at the ramp occurs ... you can only roll the basic angle down so far ...

Okay; I stand corrected. Old dogs can always learn....


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
I think in primary they just want you to wave off an ugly pass early instead of trying to salvage a potentially dangerous landing. Gatordev probably has more insight into the instructional techniques

Bingo. This is like comparing doing multiplication tables in third grade w/ your fingers and figuring out how many beers you can buy and still get the lapdance w/ the $100 you got out of the ATM (correct answer in Panama: A LOT).

Primary=UNDERGRADUATE pilot training. It has nothing to do w/ being a P-3, Helo, or jet dude. It's not the boat, it's getting people familiar and profecient w/ the aircraft and in the pattern so they can see the trends and make the appropriate corrections so they DON'T wave off...all the while not bending a bird, which happens occassionally.

Now, chances are if you're waving off a lot of passes in Primary, you may not make it to the next level, but fellas, honestly, one step at a time.


....if you want to be .... the LSO's butt boy for the rest of cruise.
Shucks! I got out too soon .... never had one of those .... :eek:

Oh, and BTW, Gents .... taking/giving/loving a wave-off in Primary and getting one at the boat is like apples and oranges. Different parts of the planet and Universe.


Registered User
Wave Offs are free, just like that bottle of booze I'm going to get from you for taking one. Pilots should only take your OWO if you don't get a roger ball after 3 attempts or safety of flight (not your poor ball flying skills).

WOFD Winds is quite common, all jets have different requirements or it could be do to a crosswind greater than 10 kts.


Registered User
While not taking my own wave off, I essentially did it during a MOVLAS recovery. Somehow it didn't stick in my mind that it was MOVLAS. Come around the corner, see about a ball high and think;

"Cool, right where I would like to start."

In the middle it goes a full two balls high but steadies out.

"Ok, a little too much power, but still on the lens, I'm good."
LSO : "Your high."
Thinking, "Yeah, I know but it's stable."
LSO : "You high. Start working it down."
Thinking, "Dude, it's stable, I'm good"

About this time I am approaching in close when my mind says, "Dude, you're high." Thanks, I know that, the ball knows that and paddles knows that.

Around the at the ramp position is when I hear;

LSO : "Wave off, wave off"

As I go by the island at about eye level over the ramp it finally dawns on me...."Oh, they said MOVLAS recovery. The debrief went something like, "Hey, I can only show you a high ball, there is no way to make it dissapear cause you are hanging out with God in heaven up there."


.....Pilots should only take your OWO if you don't get a roger ball after 3 attempts ....
Totally correct.

BUT: you don't take one for "safety of flight" ... WTF do YOU know about your "safety" at the boat/groove/on the ball, anyway .... ?????

You guys don't get it these days, I guess .... once you "call the ball" AND GET A "Roger Ball" ... the pass is NOT YOURS .... it's controlled by the LSO. He bears the "responsibility" if you F-it-up and that's the whole truth ....


I don't know WHAT the hell they teach you these days ... but I weep. Just weep .... for the future of Naval Aviation ...


Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
You guys don't get it these days, I guess .... once you "call the ball" AND GET A "Roger Ball" ... the pass is NOT YOURS .... it's controlled by the LSO. He bears the "responsibility" if you F-it-up and that's the whole truth ....
So I guess the LSO gets to log those last few moments as aircraft commander, eh? Over time, that would be a pretty big boost to one's logbook.


So I guess the LSO gets to log those last few moments as aircraft commander, eh? Over time, that would be a pretty big boost to one's logbook.
Steve ... although I have utmost respect for you .... and I could have "completed you" had I been your instructor .... you have not a clue.

Do you .... ???? :)

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Steve ... although I have utmost respect for you .... and I could have "completed you" had I been your instructor .... you have not a clue.

Do you .... ???? :)
Don't take everything so seriously. It's bad for the heart.