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Random Griz Aviation Musings


Nerd Whirler
A Dillon mini gun shoot is awesome. I have never done one myself. How did you swing it?

Dillon is not at the Open. They do make some events we also appear at. Dillon himself is very supportive of us. Their chief pilot is a good dude. Retired from the AF having flown figjters and helos.
Your tax dollars at work. It was a boondoggle highly educational field trip for the rotary section of my TPS class. Their new CEO, also a great dude, was our MD-500 pilot for the event.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Say, @wink is this a shot from your event? I think the caption said it was in Mesa.
View attachment 37571
Not a recent event that I know of. But yes, that is our flying Cobra and the turbine Helicycle is locally based and a friend of the Chapter. He does often show up at our home field events. I have never seen it fly. I have only seen him tow it across the field. And yes, it is Mesa, AZ. KFFZ.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Your tax dollars at work. It was a boondoggle highly educational field trip for the rotary section of my TPS class. Their new CEO, also a great dude, was our MD-500 pilot for the event.
I remember that tax year….money zipping out of my hands…brrrrrrtttt….brrrrrrttt!

But it’s OK, I’m a patriot.


FERS and TSP contributor!
Planning underway for tomorrow morning - nearly 4 hour leg south. Giant wide mouth pee-bottle, in-flight meal, and of course plenty of Dunkin will be on board! Winds and clouds/ice will determine whether high or low, VFR or IFR. Hopefully the XM sat radio works!



and orders in hand

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