Hmmmmm….interesting, but I feel like they are falling into the Enstrom trap where little changes except for size.Robinson R88 announced:
Hmmmmm….interesting, but I feel like they are falling into the Enstrom trap where little changes except for size.
So? To save costs, is a tail rotor optional?I suspect they'll build this on the same production line as the 22/44/66 for this reason as well.
They have to play as the low-cost competitor...
Pretty sure there was a plane crash that was the result of the weight and balance being calculated using an outdated metric. They didn't account for Americans getting fatter.The new tail rotor is called “R&R System” there isn’t a tail rotor so you just go Round-and-Round. On the earlier comments, all that is true, and part of the issue that plagued Enstrom. You are correct that the new ship will be built in Torrence CA. In the end I doubt they’ll hit the 10 seat number unless they use some insane 1950’s metric like an “average weight of 160 lbs. per passenger…” Best guess, a 7 or 8 seat ship.
Your response should Ignite many more Fiery responses.going to Hull
What is this?annual Reserve Muster at work
I work for DAF as a GS and serve in a mixed unit of active duty, AF reservists, and GS civillian. Most of our reservists are O-4 or O-5 airline guys who drill for mostly points only. We have one week where we have a week of drill/AD to get PT tests, annual training, uniform inspections, etc.What is this?