Not exactly, but definitely willing to call out hypocrisy when I see it, Brett.
By definition that doesn't meet the criteria for a CAR, but we've already bludgeoned that dead horse. Probably shouldn't surprise you that these briefs have made their around the fleet and many, including myself, have gotten the brief(s). If beating up on some shit-pot third world insurgents with hand-me-down over the horizon weapons makes you feel better, then you might want a reality check. Let's not act like this was the Falklands.
This is the type of self-flagellating masturbation that occurs when the fleet hasn't seen an actual war in decades. Sure some awards were deserved, and probably for some very specific ships, actions, and aircraft. But hey, if the everyone gets a trophy and juice pops after the ball game makes you feel better about yourself, then go for it. You guys really get your panties twisted over this stuff.