New Member
Well its official now, my app. is ready and off to the board. I just wanted wish all the Sept. apps. good luck, whether you going aviation or not. Please post as you find out results.
Good luck to all! I hope we all get what we asked for. If not, then don't give up!
Boards aren't until the 15th correct?
Well its official now, my app. is ready and off to the board. I just wanted wish all the Sept. apps. good luck, whether you going aviation or not. Please post as you find out results.
yes the 15th is the earliest they can meet but in the two months I was involved the boards met a couple days later, good luck guys!
Did you make it in time for the Sept boards? If not, I'll see ya next month.
Good luck all!
Thanks for the information! I was assuming that it would be like the rest of the months and they would meet around the 15th.
nuggs i don't think october can come soon enough for you eh?
LOL, that obvious, eh? I've been waiting for October for about 15 years now...
I guess competition will be pretty stiff then.