And that's fine. I'm an Ensign by the way, not a firstie. With that said, I was in no way saying that birds/stars automatically correlates to superb leadership. But, as far as the Navy's return on investment goes, those are the people who weight that average in favor of the Academy. Not taking sides here, just stating it how the study said so. I think there are plenty of merits and downfalls to all commissioning sources.
And as far as scandals go, come on, let's be honest, I'm sure NROTC mids do as much or more stupid crap than Academy mids, but the spotlight is not on them nearly as often and if the Academy ceased to exist, they would focus on NROTC mids doing dumb stuff all the more often.
If you are talking sexual harassment, cheating, rape etc. I would say no. If you mean stupid shit ala I got drunk on an away regatta just like every other college sailor, then maybe. You can't compare the two, what is (or maybe was) stupid at the Academy is perfectly acceptable in the real world University.