I'm an Ensign by the way, not a firstie.
Let's not be honest, I'm sure NROTC mids do as much or more stupid crap than Academy mids, but the spotlight is not on them nearly as often and if the Academy ceased to exist, they would focus on NROTC mids doing dumb stuff all the more often.
Ensign/firstie- not much difference in the common sense and leadership department. Congrats on the commission though.
They are in the spotlight because they have shot endangerend birds and driven cars through houses and then leave the scene of the crime. On summer cruise active duty personel would "thank God" when they found out we werent from the academy because you're peers made such a good impression. Those are just the first few things of a long list of dumbshit things. Sure ROTC mids get in trouble but those take the cake.
I'm not here to argue what end product is better, but just realize that at the civie universities the spotlight is heavily on those in uniform. Have a big screw up at one of those liberal crazy schools and the school prez is ready to shitcan the units ASAP.