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The Great Growler Gallery


....I'm starting to recall why I stopped visiting this site the first time several years ago. :banghead_
Don't do that -- stick around. Your perspective is valuable, to say the least ... besides -- Flash is a civilian now. Who cares about him??? :D


Super Moderator
I presume your assertion is that my previous post was 'whiny'? Typical. Feel better now? The guy asked a question about how the division of labor in the cockpit would work and I answered the question for him.

I'm starting to recall why I stopped visiting this site the first time several years ago. :banghead_

By dumping on some of the crewmembers who get the job done? Pugs put it much better and gentler than I, but then he is older and wiser.

A little sarcasm and it is too biting? The more winged guys the better, but it is just the internets, take it for what it is worth.

Don't do that -- stick around. Your perspective is valuable, to say the least ... besides -- Flash is a civilian now. Who cares about him??? :D

Well, at least part time.....just like you were.

P.S. My Mom cares!!


Just a B guy.
I think what 129 was alluding to, and is a fundimental truth, is that as the numbers drop the cream will rise. Cuts are going to have to be made in some way or another. So losing some people is a fact. The weaker (I hope) ones will be given more of a gentle shove.

This isn't a groundbreaking reality.

Just like it isn't ground breaking that if you have a 4 man crew-- where 2 of those people can do the exact same job as the guy next to him-- there is a great possibility for the weaker guys weakness to go largely unnoticed if the stronger guy can adapt.

A weak E1 or P is going to "shine" more in his ineptitude. (Not that E1 or P can’t help the other out, but neither can do EXACTLY the same stuff.)


Registered User
You know, you bring up a good point, gotta get rid of all those weak ass pilots too!

If the pilot billets are going up (or staying the same), I don't think there will be much weeding in the left (soon to be front) seat. Plus the Growler (uh Shocker) will be MUCH easier to fly than the Prowler. There's a reason the strong boat players from Meridian and Kingsville end up in Whidbey! :D

It WILL however be nice to get back into (or in initially) the "fight" of the airplane, and pilots unwilling or unable to learn the tactics will be left behind. Unless you are flying an ICAP III, the pilot is about 90% out of the loop on the tactics of the aircraft. Being able to see / make assignments, detect and designate threats, and run the actual weapons systems will be overwhelmingly refreshing. I am very interested to see how the community mindset shifts with a pilot vote counting equal to the NFO vote now. And with the pilot becoming an equal tactical aircrew member with the ECMO side. Interesting times are upon us, and it will go much smoother with everyone having an open mind about the future.


It WILL however be nice to get back into (or in initially) the "fight" of the airplane, and pilots unwilling or unable to learn the tactics will be left behind. Unless you are flying an ICAP III, the pilot is about 90% out of the loop on the tactics of the aircraft. Being able to see / make assignments, detect and designate threats, and run the actual weapons systems will be overwhelmingly refreshing. I am very interested to see how the community mindset shifts with a pilot vote counting equal to the NFO vote now. And with the pilot becoming an equal tactical aircrew member with the ECMO side. Interesting times are upon us, and it will go much smoother with everyone having an open mind about the future.

I think the most significant impact will come from a lesser need for the NFO's co-pilot skills. IMHO, this is where Prowler NFOs make their $ (and reputation). A question for all~What will it be based on in the Growler?


How do you fly a Clipper?
I was just looking at the pictures again and I have a question:

With all the jamming pods, and especially fully loaded with all that ordinance, will the Growler have a hard time getting supersonic? Note - this may be a really dumb question, I haven't been through flight school so bear with me.


Gitty Up!
I was just looking at the pictures again and I have a question:

With all the jamming pods, and especially fully loaded with all that ordinance, will the Growler have a hard time getting supersonic? Note - this may be a really dumb question, I haven't been through flight school so bear with me.

EVERY hornet has trouble going supersonic, not just the laden ones. :)


Gitty Up!
There's the vanilla Hornet, the Super Hornet and it's cousin, the Shornet (Shocker/Hornet). . .

. . . none fast.:D


Back from the range
With all the jamming pods, and especially fully loaded with all that ordinance, will the Growler have a hard time getting supersonic?

The Pod RATS are limited to 525kts/.86 Mach by NATOPS anyway.


Just a B guy.
I was briefed that the IMN is going up, but still only due to what they were tested to. And it's still subsonic. I can't recall if the actual # is still FOUO so I will keep my trap shut.