but in reality, it's you all who lack the experience to be commenting on the current state of the JO's.......even if you were commissioned 5 years ago, things have changed dramatically. Even from when I was a plebe to my 1st class year, the quality of midshipmen, across the board has declined........
.......In today's age, what used to be a swift beatdown has turned into a slap on the wrist, and this is in comparrison to no more than 6 years ago.
Please, for the love of all that is holy, stop digging! In your vast experience, which apparently consists of the Academy and less than two years in flight school, is nothing compared to many on this board. And if anyone can judge the current state of JO's it is those who have seen them at work in the fleet over the past few years, not you. So quit while you can still see daylight.
Everyone always thinks things are getting worse. The level of suck has remained remarkably constant over time.
Truer words have not been spoken on this thread. Everyone thinks that things are always sliding downhill but often fail to realize that history has a way of being a bit rose-colored the further removed you are from it, even in just a few years time. Having worked with a few Vietnam vets over the past few years, they are universal in their praise of people who are serving today.
I don't think any generation is generally better or worse than the one before or after it. Simple as that.