Miles Teller Says Wife Made Him Shave His Mustache 'Immediately' After Filming Top Gun: Maverick
Actual fleet aviators with significant others:
Actual fleet aviators with significant others:

HSC, in their over-the-shore attack role, would have inserted and supported (with guns and hellfires) a SEAL team that saved Maverick and Rooster getting them “to the chopper!” just in the nick of time. The enemy 5th Gen fighters would be unable to maneuver slow enough to shoot down the helicopters as they leisurely flew through the canyons below enemy air defenses.Hollywood mogul for a day:
If you were the screenwriter for TG2, what would you have changed about the plot, dialogue, or characters, and why?
HSC, in their over-the-shore attack role, would have inserted and supported (with guns and hellfires) a SEAL team that saved Maverick and Rooster getting them “to the chopper!” just in the nick of time. The enemy 5th Gen fighters would be unable to maneuver slow enough to shoot down the helicopters as they leisurely flew through the canyons below enemy air defenses.
Cue Lady Gaga…roll credits.
Ok, I’m putting you on the spot: which actors/ actresses do you have playing Sierra pilots 1 and 2, as well as the SEAL team leader?HSC, in their over-the-shore attack role, would have inserted and supported (with guns and hellfires) a SEAL team that saved Maverick and Rooster getting them “to the chopper!” just in the nick of time. The enemy 5th Gen fighters would be unable to maneuver slow enough to shoot down the helicopters as they leisurely flew through the canyons below enemy air defenses.
Cue Lady Gaga…roll credits.
At COMSIXTHFLT, the one or two 4 day weekends a month were pretty nice.Shocker.
All the flail-ex was visible enough from a distance that I never saw the appeal.
Pilot 1 - Jack BlackOk, I’m putting you on the spot: which actors/ actresses do you have playing Sierra pilots 1 and 2, as well as the SEAL team leader?
@insanebikerboy is clearly serving as casting director on this film…I think I smell an Oscar.Ok, I’m putting you on the spot: which actors/ actresses do you have playing Sierra pilots 1 and 2, as well as the SEAL team leader?
Pilot 1 cool TG2 call sign - “Teeter”Pilot 1 - Jack Black
Pilot 2 - Zack Galifinakas
SEAL Guy - Macaulay Culkin
Not so fast. Hollywood diversity office says you need more diversity. Sub out Pete Davidson for Ali Wong in the role of “Patches O’Houlihan.”Pilot 1 cool TG2 call sign - “Teeter”
Pilot 2 cool TG2 call sign - “Porkins”
We forgot the crew chief (played by Pete Davidson) cool TG2 call sign - “Patches”
Yeah, but it’s HSC off of the carrier so it’ll default to the two old guys in the squadron because it’s the only time the helo dudes will actually get to do anything real.I’m also going to point out that Zack G. and Jack B. are not quite the age we’d expect Sierra pilots to be age-wise.
Hollywood mogul for a day:
If you were the screenwriter for TG2, what would you have changed about the plot, dialogue, or characters, and why?
Not so fast. Hollywood diversity office says you need more diversity. Sub out Pete Davidson for Ali Wong in the role of “Patches O’Houlihan.”
I’m also going to point out that Zack G. and Jack B. are not quite the age we’d expect Sierra pilots to be age-wise. How about Aziz Ansari and Aubrey Plaza instead.