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U.S.S. Gerald Ford?


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!

Let's see... we had a USS Carter (SSN-23)... then a USS Reagan (CVN-76)... then a USS Bush (CVN-77)... then next logical ship to be named is...

Uh... no... we'll look at never-elected Gerald Ford over Bill Clinton's dumb a$$


Is it baseball season yet?
Well, instead of politicians names (some I'm cool with, like USS Teddy Roosevelt, USS Ronald Reagan, USS Abraham Lincoln, USS George Washington, like national heroes/extremely revered figures), the names like Intrepid, Hornet, Stars and Stripes, Ranger, Wasp, Adept, Bold, Agile, Avenger, Guardian, etc... have all been used, what happened to this Naval Tradition?

From the Navy:

After World War II aircraft carriers were given a mix of such traditional carrier names as Ranger, Saratoga, and Coral Sea and names of individuals. The first of these, as we have seen, was Franklin D. Roosevelt, later followed by Forrestal and John F. Kennedy. All the ships of the current Nimitz class bear the names of such national figures as Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, and Ronald Reagan.

Even so, I think it'd be cool to go back to some of the other names or at least that type of naming system, instead of using soley national figureheads. I mean, all of the others seemed to have signifigant ties with the military, JFK with his PT boat, FDR obviously with WWII, Teddy Roosevelt with building the Great White Fleet and the Spanish-American War, Washington and the Revolution, Reagan's buildup of the Navy and military, Bush (1st) and the Gulf War and being shot down in WWII, and Abraham Lincoln and the civil war... but Ford? Maybe I don't know all that much about him, but he was a LCDR in WWII, but other than that, what other ties does he have to the military, that another LCDR during WWII who may have served more honorably doesn't have?


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
DanMav1156 said:
Even so, I think it'd be cool to go back to some of the other names or at least that type of naming system, instead of using soley national figureheads.

You'd better start showing some love for the man Discovery Channel declared the "Greatest American"...


I'll take a USS Gerald Ford if it's a shot at the Idiot Clinton any day of the week.

And, uhh... JFK was a naval officer, dawg. Won the Navy/Marine Corps Medal and the Purple Heart after his PT boat got crushed.


Super Moderator
TurnandBurn55 said:

Let's see... we had a USS Carter (SSN-23)... then a USS Reagan (CVN-76)... then a USS Bush (CVN-77)... then next logical ship to be named is...

Uh... no... we'll look at never-elected Gerald Ford over Bill Clinton's dumb a$$

Well, at least all but one are veterans of the Navy:

Gerald Ford: "During World War II he attained the rank of lieutenant commander in the Navy." http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/gf38.html

Jimmy Carter: "...received a bachelor of science degree from the United States Naval Academy in 1946. In the Navy he became a submariner, serving in both the Atlantic and Pacific fleets and rising to the rank of lieutenant. Chosen by Admiral Hyman Rickover for the nuclear submarine program, he was assigned to Schenectady, N.Y., where he took graduate work at Union College in reactor technology and nuclear physics, and served as senior officer of the pre-commissioning crew of the Seawolf, the second nuclear submarine." http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/jc39.html

George H.W. Bush: "The future president joined the Navy after war broke out and at 18 became the Navy's youngest commissioned pilot, serving from 1942 to 1945, and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. He fought the Japanese on 58 missions and was shot down once." http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0760625.html

Better than John Stennis http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000852 and Carl Vinson http://www.cviog.uga.edu/Projects/gainfo/c-vinson.htm , named after Congressmen whose main accomplishment was getting the Navy funding. Something worthy but I don't think it rates getting a carrier named after you, politics at its best :confused: .


Is it baseball season yet?
TurnandBurn55 said:
You'd better start showing some love for the man Discovery Channel declared the "Greatest American"...


I'll take a USS Gerald Ford if it's a shot at the Idiot Clinton any day of the week.

And, uhh... JFK was a naval officer, dawg. Won the Navy/Marine Corps Medal and the Purple Heart after his PT boat got crushed.

Well like I said, I like Reagan... and yeah, I forgot about JFK's Naval Service... :icon_rage my bad... sorry... edit made


Is it baseball season yet?
Super Hornet 88 said:
I think the name Ranger should be used again.Or how about U.S.S. United States?

The USS United States wouldn't be used so that if it were ever to sink no one would ever be able to say they sunk the U.S., at least it's what I've been told.


You can do anything once.
I always thought the brits had some inspiring ship names: the Invincible, Dreadnaught, Scorpion, Victorious, Devestation, Valient, etc.

We should re-christen the USS America and USS United Staes name, and bring back some of the old school names like ranger and hornet. Freedom and Independence would also be good ones, albeit somewhat copied from a Michael Bay movie.

I wouldn't be too worried about having someone said they sunk the US, America, etc. If we have carriers being sunk we've got bigger problems than that.

If we keep trying to name them after political figures I'll shudder if i ever have to buy a coffee mug bearing the name of Bill Clinton while deployed on the vessel of the same name.

However, if the TR is the 'roughrider', the USS B.J. Clinton might produce some clever call signs...I'm thinking 'hustler' with 'blue dress' being a close second.