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USS Kitty Hawk and the Hong Kong port call visit caper

Seriously?! Russia is a sad.....no, make that pathetic shadow of what the USSR was. With a military that is a fraction of what it was, a populace that is very sick and on the decline and a government that is nothing but a criminal organization used to profit its participants, there is not much to Mother Russia anymore. The only real things they got going for them are nukes, which are not doing much for them anyways, and oil/natural gas. And most of the money from oil goes into the pockets of the ruling class, so it doesn't do that much for the country as a whole anyways.

Stop trying to relive the past, we got more important things to worry about.

I think it's naive to assume that Russia could never make a return to its former state. Russia is sad and pathetic but does anyone remember post-War World I Germany? Russia's government is a criminal organization: such is almost a prerequisite for war with America. You have painted a very clear picture of a sick country with a substantial nuclear arsenal and a veritable power struggle undermining the foundations of their weak Federation. In this situation, Putin can only maintain power if he continues to push his country towards Autocracy. Anyone who can topple him will be equally ruthless. I cannot imagine the consequences of a civil war in a country filled with unaccounted nukes. I would argue that the unstable Russia of today is exponentially more dangerous than the USSR.


Registered User
I had to chuckle when they said hundreds of family members were stranded. While it stinks to fly to a port to meet the ship and have the ship not pull in…it’s not in the realm of being stranded. I’ve flown in to HK and not had the carrier not pull in. After the initial disappointment we did what any good Navy wife would do, and shopped till we dropped. I flew to Dubai and the carrier had to pull out two days early. Once again it stinks…but it’s not like I was unable to leave the country.


Well-Known Member
The article also said KH is diesel powered, so the cred factor is low.

Wow, maybe I missed something. What IS the Hawk powered by?

-Rubber Bands
-Ethanol (h/t to Al Gore)
-"D" Cell batteries (Lots of them!)
-The soft, sultry, breath of virgins


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Fuel oil is essentially diesel.


Brett is correct (as usual), Carriers and surface ships use DFM (Diesel Fuel, Marine), which is a blend of diesel fuel that is essentially the same as kerosene to which high-boiling-point fractions/residual oils have been added. Jet fuel (JP-5 et al) is a more refined type of kerosene consisting of 53% C9-C16 paraffins, 31% cycloparaffins, 16% aromatics, and less than 1% olefins.
DFM contains C9-C20 hydrocarbons with 13% paraffins, 44% aromatics, and 44% naphthalenes.

Sorry Nose, no Virgin breath or hamster droppings used in either fossil fuel.


is clara ship
Wow, maybe I missed something. What IS the Hawk powered by?

-Ethanol (h/t to Al Gore)

Actually, the real ode to Al Gore would be slapping one of these:

onto the fantail by the droplights for all to see....


.......Jet fuel (JP-5 et al) is a more refined type of kerosene consisting of 53% C9-C16 paraffins, 31% cycloparaffins, 16% aromatics, and less than 1% olefins. .....
And it does WONDERS for the drinking water!!! You boys who ride around on nukes have no idea .... :)
I'd tell them to take their Peking/Beijing Olympics and shove 'em up their little collectivist commie asses ..... (with apologies to Jimmy Carter and his 1980 CNX'ed Olympics).

This is only one more reason why we should not play "feel good" with Communist China -- the list is actually quite long. They are NOT our friends and never will be as long as that government is in power.

But that's just me. :)

I agree whole heartedly.

Seriously?! Russia is a sad.....no, make that pathetic shadow of what the USSR was. With a military that is a fraction of what it was, a populace that is very sick and on the decline and a government that is nothing but a criminal organization used to profit its participants, there is not much to Mother Russia anymore. The only real things they got going for them are nukes, which are not doing much for them anyways, and oil/natural gas. And most of the money from oil goes into the pockets of the ruling class, so it doesn't do that much for the country as a whole anyways.

Stop trying to relive the past, we got more important things to worry about.

You hit that on right on the head. I wish that the Cold War had been a hot war; though, it would have been even better to never have let the commies take over in the fist place! I have seen first hand the effects of that screwed up country. From all that I have been through, just about the only way to get me in that bloody country is if I was part of an air raid. :icon_rage


......After the initial disappointment we did what any good Navy wife would do, and shopped till we dropped.....
See ... that's where you lost your power AND your opportunity. You could have brought those little Godless, atheistic commies to their knees ....


Game over. The war is won ... :)