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your recruiter is an idiot.SNFO applicant here.
27-year-old male.
GPA is 2.7 in Communications.
ASTB 5/6/6 on the second try (March 2021).
No waivers. Passed MEPS. Application submitted.
I fully understand that my ASTB scores and GPA are ROUGH to say the least. However my recruiter optimistically says "Yes! Let's submit it! Your application is good because the August board isn't as competitive as the May board because you're not going head-to-head with NROTC and USNA grads."
Can any recruiters vouch for this? I'm willing to roll the dice this time around and see what happens. I absolutely want to serve in the Navy. If I take the ASTB the 3rd time and not pass, then enlist, will I lose any chances of ever being an NFO? I don't want to miss out on an opportunity to improve the hell out of my scores, but I also don't want to diminish my chances of getting what I want!
OCS do not compete against USNA
USNA does not compete against NROTC
and NROTC does not compete against OCS
There is a manning document and each commissioning source gets a specific number of spots for each designator and this is estimated years out and it is finalized as it is closer to the commissioning year. There are some designators that don't get a big piece of the pie for some commissioning sources as NROTC and USNA aren't primary sources for designators like Supply, however they commission a decent amount due to people who end up not being PQ for other designators.