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OCS 03Sep24 SNA/SNFO Board


Active Member
My recruiter just texted me and I damn near had a heart attack seeing it pop up on my phone. She was just asking how I was doing and if I wanted any OCS prep stuff lol. Do any of you guys have any OCS prep stuff?
The OCS survival guide I saw on r/newtothenavy was pretty thorough and helpful.


Well-Known Member
this is what I have been doing. If i cannot do the sprints, i go hit the stair stepper. My issue is that I have really weak hip flexors from sitting for long periods due to work.
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What is everyone doing for their PT?
https://www.specialwarfaretw.af.mil/Portals/69/Pre-accessions manual_1.pdf

Just doing the bodyweight/calisthenics program in there, minus the swimming stuff since that isn't needed for navy OCS and pool access isn't that convenient. Definitely won't get through the full 6 month program unless my ship date is in like January but should be good enough since its for specwar accession which has higher fitness standards, but I'll still be worried about meeting PFT standards if I ship in November lol.

Did the ruck part for the first month and a half just because its good general fitness in my mind, but I'm worried about the running part of OCS so started replacing the ruck with a slow 3 mile run.


Well-Known Member
What is everyone doing for their PT?
I used ChatGPT to generate a workout plan for me. Mondays I have interval sprints (6 x 400m) with 2 min rest between. Tuesday is a tempo run for 20 mins, Thursday is a steady state run (3-6 miles), and Saturday is a long run. Any day I run I also do a variation or combination of planks, push-ups, and pull-ups. Wednesdays and Fridays I swim anywhere between 1100-2000 yards freestyle.