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16AUG2021 SWO Board


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! I'm also late to the party, but am grateful for all the help/info on this thread. I added my information to the excel sheet. My name is on this list - is it kosher to add these names to the class roster in excel?
If not, then names should not be listed on the forum either. I don't see a difference


Yes, only the unofficial list, viewing ENTRS, have been provided to us so far.

I would assume the official list gets posted later today or, at latest, Monday as the last person on our "At-board" list has just been seen, unless someone heard otherwise? I remember the release time of results were dependent on civis who needed class dates. The ADs were simply listed in the categories Y or N, without dates.

AZ Auxiliary

Well-Known Member
Yes, only the unofficial list, viewing ENTRS, have been provided to us so far.

I would assume the official list gets posted later today or, at latest, Monday as the last person on our "At-board" list has just been seen, unless someone heard otherwise? I remember the release time of results were dependent on civis who needed class dates. The ADs were simply listed in the categories Y or N, without dates.

Thanks, think you're right. My recruiter on Wensday (sept 8)said they'd call back in a few days with something more official than what we've seen.


Well-Known Member
How many AD people were on the "at-board" list again? I'm in the same boat as y'all where I have to wait for the official results list. A SWO 2nd choice application won't get a board date until the #1 package is seen.


Well-Known Member
How many AD people were on the "at-board" list again? I'm in the same boat as y'all where I have to wait for the official results list. A SWO 2nd choice application won't get a board date until the #1 package is seen.
18 navy AD. i dont know the other services.


Ensign - SWO
No, it means I either missed your name or you haven’t been assigned a class as yet if you were selected
Likely due to SWO not being their #1 choice.

If SWO is not the #1 choice, a class date isn't issued until the board for that applicant's #1 choice has met and made a decision regarding their packet. Only at that time will a date be assigned to the designator for which the applicant accepted the Pro-Rec-Y (if both are Y).


If not, then names should not be listed on the forum either. I don't see a difference

That makes sense. Sorry if my question was confusing - it seemed like most of the A and B last names weren't in excel so I was wondering if I should add those in addition to the others. I know it doesn't matter much at this point, though, while we're still waiting for the official list.


Well-Known Member
That makes sense. Sorry if my question was confusing - it seemed like most of the A and B last names weren't in excel so I was wondering if I should add those in addition to the others. I know it doesn't matter much at this point, though, while we're still waiting for the official list.
I removed it just in case there is an issue.


Well-Known Member
Alright, not to be that guy, but I keep seeing "when the official list comes out". Who gets that list? Is it publicly posted? Or, is it just something the OR sees?
Good Question, im in a group on facebook that sometimes posts it. Its for mustang mentorship though so that would require you to be in the service enlisted already. But if i see it i will hopefully post it here. Idk if they allow it. but if not i will check the list for those who request it. If they finish classing up individuals today we could see the list this evening. I think that is what happened with the aviation board it came out like on a friday evening.


Alright, not to be that guy, but I keep seeing "when the official list comes out". Who gets that list? Is it publicly posted? Or, is it just something the OR sees?
It goes to all the Officer recruiters and to Mr.Celestin as well. The Officer recruiters usually send it to one of the civilian applicants if they ask.
Mr.Celestin will email the CoC for each of the AD applicants that are selected