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1Nov2021 SNA/SNFO Board


Well-Known Member
They were public intoxication and disorderly conduct during college. I was going through a rough time then and have since figured then. I haven’t had any thing so much as a traffic violation since then. Would it perhaps be possible to rewrite my statements regarding the waivers and reapply? Think that could help?

Alcohol related incidents can be a big black mark, were you also underage?


Well-Known Member
Alcohol related incidents can be a big black mark, were you also underage?
Nope. Just had a little too much in a parking lot before a concert. Haven’t had an issue since…. Just seeing if there’s a way to express that this is very distant in the past and it’s no longer an issue. Never had a DUI or any of that.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Just had a little too much in a parking lot before a concert. Haven’t had an issue since…. Just seeing if there’s a way to express that this is very distant in the past and it’s no longer an issue. Never had a DUI or any of that.
What if it was a minor in possession (alcohol) when they were 19 and it was over 5 years ago, asking for a friend
Sometimes the senior member just has a hard spot for certain things, for several boards the senior member for the Supply boards would not move a person forward that had any waivers, similar to IWC.

If there was a incident in which someone in the aviation community had a publicized that would make them shy away from anyone with an alcohol incident.

It could be viewed as a person being unable to follow the rules and have poor judgement.


@Navy21 what do you think changed this time that they accepted you?

I added some more extracurricular activities and redid my personal statement. I also paid a lot of attention to the presentation of my information. I focused on what @exNavyOffRec stated about the board only having a transient time with each package. Maybe my organization was enough to grab and hold their attention?

Perhaps it was my more personal touch of family’s service that allowed the board to better understand my commitment to aviation?

Edit: Since we are only given a few minutes, if that, it’s important to create a hook in each section of your package.


Well-Known Member
I added some more extracurricular activities and redid my personal statement. I also paid a lot of attention to the presentation of my information. I focused on what @exNavyOffRec stated about the board only having a transient time with each package. Maybe my organization was enough to grab and hold their attention?

Perhaps it was my more personal touch of family’s service that allowed the board to better understand my commitment to aviation?
I think they just overlooked your 9 and this time they noticed it, should have been picked last board.


Well-Known Member
Going to try to maybe change the theme of my statement. All new rec letters. Who knows. I still have solid astb scores and hopefully my CFII and multi engine rating by then. Hopefully it will be enough to over look the rest ever tho I’ll be old as dirt at the next board. Gotta push every button, pull every lever.


69 9/9/9 GPA: b4d
I added some more extracurricular activities and redid my personal statement. I also paid a lot of attention to the presentation of my information. I focused on what @exNavyOffRec stated about the board only having a transient time with each package. Maybe my organization was enough to grab and hold their attention?

Perhaps it was my more personal touch of family’s service that allowed the board to better understand my commitment to aviation?

Edit: Since we are only given a few minutes, if that, it’s important to create a hook in each section of your package.
Wait did you recently add the part about Prorec Y SWO or did I miss it this whole time? You had a prorec Y for SWO at some point?


Sometimes the senior member just has a hard spot for certain things, for several boards the senior member for the Supply boards would not move a person forward that had any waivers, similar to IWC.

If there was a incident in which someone in the aviation community had a publicized that would make them shy away from anyone with an alcohol incident.

It could be viewed as a person being unable to follow the rules and have poor judgement.

what if it’s a first and only time offense and you went to class that got it “expunged.” I don’t really know what that means


Well-Known Member
what if it’s a first and only time offense and you went to class that got it “expunged.” I don’t really know what that means
It all depends on the senior member, and expunged doesn't mean anything to the federal government, even if you go to work for a civilian company like a bank or insurance company where you need to hold a financial series license such as a series 6 or 7 it will still show up, we had a guy that 20 years ago was caught making fake ID's when he was 16 and he was denied employment as it was considered forgery.