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Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

This is going to be my 3rd board. Lets hope its a charm! Changes made to my package.... Recruiter changing my ethnicity to Hispanic, New motivational statement, updated rec letters from a retired two star and naval aviators O-6s. Does anybody have a final submission date? I haven't been able to get a hold of my recruiter since the new year.

Age: 31 in Feb
ASTB: 50 7/9/7
Flight: Commercial, Flight Instructor, 532 Hours
Waivers needed for stupid things done in college (nothing crazy)
NORS-Richmond, VA


Hey Guys,

This is going to be my 3rd board. Lets hope its a charm! Changes made to my package.... Recruiter changing my ethnicity to Hispanic, New motivational statement, updated rec letters from a retired two star and naval aviators O-6s. Does anybody have a final submission date? I haven't been able to get a hold of my recruiter since the new year.

Age: 31 in Feb
ASTB: 50 7/9/7
Flight: Commercial, Flight Instructor, 532 Hours
Waivers needed for stupid things done in college (nothing crazy)
NORS-Richmond, VA

Submission deadline I think is sometime the beginning of April. How did you get the 2 star LOR?

Also could you add your info to the new spreadsheet?
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Well-Known Member
Submission deadline I think is sometime the beginning of April. How did you get the 2 star LOR?
We have an amazing and tight aviation community where I live. I reached out seeking mentorship. Seeing the people who stepped up and wanted to help was extremely humbling.
I’ve read most of everything in that thread; but do want to add the HOTAS to my studying for this next exam. Thank you for the advice!
Absolutely add the HOTAS, I have no idea how people have the guts to go into this test without HOTAS practice lol. Basically work on math and tracking that plane and youll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Man... for whatever reason all this talk about the ASTB is making me feel nervous about my retake coming up on the 18th. I feel like I'm ready and going to do better and haven't felt nervous at all the last few weeks but suddenly... something is making me really nervous about it.


Absolutely add the HOTAS, I have no idea how people have the guts to go into this test without HOTAS practice lol. Basically work on math and tracking that plane and youll be fine.
Does it matter which one? I don’t know anything about them other than I used it for the exam
Man... for whatever reason all this talk about the ASTB is making me feel nervous about my retake coming up on the 18th. I feel like I'm ready and going to do better and haven't felt nervous at all the last few weeks but suddenly... something is making me really nervous about it.
You're nervous because you care, you've been studying hard. You'll be fine.
thanks! I hope you're right! It's not just my future but the future of my kids and my wife that are riding on this. I can't let them down.
I know exactly what you mean. I'm at a decent point in my enlisted career, but mine and my families future is banking on this too.


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

This is going to be my 3rd board. Lets hope its a charm! Changes made to my package.... Recruiter changing my ethnicity to Hispanic, New motivational statement, updated rec letters from a retired two star and naval aviators O-6s. Does anybody have a final submission date? I haven't been able to get a hold of my recruiter since the new year.

Age: 31 in Feb
ASTB: 50 7/9/7
Flight: Commercial, Flight Instructor, 532 Hours
Waivers needed for stupid things done in college (nothing crazy)
NORS-Richmond, VA
The ethnicity will have no bearing, what matters most is that "9", don't remember if you had it at the last board but if you did then someone on the board might have a hard spot for some of the stupid things you did in college.


Well-Known Member
TLDR: Work on your math, ANIT knowledge, and try to get some time in with a joystick.

So buckle up because I might write a bit of a book here. I'm taking a swing at trying to help you figure out exactly what it is that you're missing, and thus that you need to study. First, take a look at your scores and think about what they mean. This shows how each subtest affects each score: https://www.airwarriors.com/community/threads/aqr-pfar-fofar-subtest-score-composition.43579/

I'll focus on PFAR since that's the score us SNA hopefuls really care about. A 5 is solidly in the middle of the bell curve. For PFAR, the Math, ANIT, and PBM sections of the test are what you want to focus on. Since both your OAR and AQR scores were also in the middle of the bell curve, that tells me your math was likely also not bad, but not great. So if I were you, I'd really hammer as much math into my head as I possibly could for next time. Specifically practice tests/problems and lots of them. Second section is the ANIT. Do as many flashcards as you can. Look at the stuff on kyle's guide about aviation history, principles of flight, etc. Read some of the FAA private pilot handbooks and parts of the AIM. This section I had a hard time studying for because it's really just a large collection of facts and trivia.

The final and most difficult section to study for is the PBM. Take a look at this study that was put out by the Naval Postgraduate School: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA475866
It's long, and if you have some time, you can read the whole thing, but specifically look at the stuff starting at page 15(I think it's page 35 of the pdf as a whole) where they start going over exactly what the PBM section of the test is and what they're looking for. For the target tracking section, they literally tell you how they score it. This is directly from that study,
Three scores are recorded for this task. The first is
a total number of correct responses. A correct response is
recorded when the pixel distance between the crosshair and
aircraft is within a programmed range at a predetermined
time check during the task. The second score recorded is an
error average distance. This distance is the average
distance observed between the center point of the crosshair
and the center point of the aircraft over the duration of
the subtest. The third score is for the total number of
redirects recorded during the task. A redirect is recorded
when the subject maintains the crosshair on top of the
aircraft for brief amount of time causing the aircraft to
change course."

So basically they want you on top of the target as long as possible, it will cause a redirect and you chase it down, and repeat. The target's movement is not 100% random. It responds to you. In this section, I think going into it with the mindset of forcing the test to respond to you rather than you responding to the test is important. Also something that I've heard many times is to listen first then track the 2d target, then track the 1d in your peripheral vision. You should be 100% on the dichotic listening.

I hope all that was at least somewhat helpful. Good luck on your next attempt.
It is interesting that the list 5 as the middle of the curve when you look at the results from the NRD's and the majority of the test results are greater that 5 with the average 6-7, in years of data we had just a handful of results less than 5, one scored straight 1's the other was 3's. While we had many who scored 8 and 9. It would be interesting if Pensacola updated their graphs showing test results.


Well-Known Member
The ethnicity will have no bearing, what matters most is that "9", don't remember if you had it at the last board but if you did then someone on the board might have a hard spot for some of the stupid things you did in college.
I did. My recruiter said that the diversity was an important factor. Whether it has bearing or not, thats what she said. I have a hispanic last name, so it was a bit surprising that it wasn't marked in the last few boards. It's possible. I haven't had so much as a speeding ticket in the last 7 years. She recommended rec letters from some high level officers, so that's what I've tried to add this next round. I'll be writing a fresh motivational statement instead of revising my previous one. Prior to submitting, I've had some people offer to look over everything to make sure what I am submitting is as good as it can be. Gotta try to solve it all the way to the ground or until I get selected.
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Well-Known Member
I did. My recruiter said that the diversity was an important factor. Whether it has bearing or not, thats what she said. I have a hispanic last name, so it was a bit surprising that it wasn't marked in the last few boards. It's possible. I haven't had so much as a speeding ticket in the last 7 years. She recommended rec letters from some high level officers, so that's what I've tried to add this next round. I'll be writing a fresh motivational statement instead of revising my previous one. Prior to submitting, I've had some people offer to look over everything to make sure what I am submitting is as good as it can be. Gotta try to solve it all the way to the ground or until I get selected.
It sounds as if she was an enlisted recruiter before where they will say things like "only send diverse to MEPS" to get numbers up. On the officer side it is tracked but has no bearing on selection. They review on the back end to determine where they need to expand outreach.

I would bet money those issues in college are holding you back as in general the only people with 8's or 9's I have seen not get picked up had waivers that caused issues, the best you can hope for is that the board members rotate out as the past ones have had the same members and that the new ones are more forgiving.


New Member
What’s going on May board,
Finishing up my package this month to send off and was wondering if there was any advice as to whether or not to use my last retake on the ASTB.
My package currently:
Applying SNA
-ASTB #2 48 6/6/6
-LASIK waiver (currently 20/15 both eyes)
-LORs Active Duty O8 from helo community, Ret. F14 O4, Ret MH60s O4, President at shipyard I work for
-300 hours GA flying with PPL, IR, and CPL
-Recent experience in MH60 and E2 sim at NAS Norfolk as well as Super Hornet sim time at Oceana