My recruiter was accepting after December 1st due to the board having the extension. He was surprised to find out they closed it early, according to what he stated. I am not aware of where/whom he received this information from. He did state that they decided to close the board for all of 2021 due to the amount of applicants and how backed up the pipeline was. He said that the board may open during the year but it sounds like there is a lack of information somewhere between the communication lines. I have one of the AW forum members reaching out to me with more info from another local recruiter.
so far, according to my recruiter, the board should still take place, nothing official has come out of CNRC so far, it seems that it varies from district to district when it comes to that information. When I talked to the Aviation Officer Community Manager he did say that the number of slots for the fiscal year were capped, but that he was not sure whether there was going to be a board or not in January, since that is not his jurisdiction, if you will, but did mention that worst case scenario probably in the summer would be the next board. Same from my recruiter, she said so far the January board still seems to be a go, but that schools are backed up due to the reduction of classes in both OCS and in Pensacola, so in case we do get selected we would have to wait a while. she did agreed, that worst case scenario we'd just wait for the next board, in May 25th.