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31July2023 SNA/SNFO Board


Well-Known Member
It is what is is. Just so Navy to change it knowing that they had published the schedule knowing the board dates were so close. Wonder if the same will happen to the October board since the now August board results will be so close to that deadline??‍♀️??‍♀️
Yea I’m sure the schedule will drop soon to reflect their plans.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about retaking my ASTB, I have only taken it once, so if nothing else that could be justification for reconsideration I would imagine. The next board would be 15 Sep 2023 due date. This is my 3rd submission and age is becoming a concern. I'm 30 right now, and my birthday is in February, the cut-off age is commissioned by your 32nd birthday. I assume it would help my package that I was already medically cleared by BUMED for "all flights including the control of aircraft"
ISPP it bro! You got it. It's crazy how many people don't know about this, and it doesn't help that 99% of leadership in the enlisted ranks is clueless to OCS programs
You are golden for ISPP it’s easy. But yes astb would be a reason for consideration as long as you improve. I only have one attempt left so I don’t want to exhaust that just yet. I turn 32 next week ??‍♂️…ISPP is a blessing from the navy gods that I wish came out sooner
Have you been selected? where are you in the process?
ISPP it bro! You got it. It's crazy how many people don't know about this, and it doesn't help that 99% of leadership in the enlisted ranks is clueless to OCS programs
Yeah, I had no idea until today, I'm just wondering if can I submit for ISPP for the 21 or 22 Jul board since it got pushed. Or would that be within the 6 months and be a "reconsideration"? I can't find anything in the instruction that says I can't apply to 2 consecutive boards. It just says, "h. Application reconsiderations may be submitted if within 6 months of initial non-selection. Procedures for submission are contained in paragraph 10 of this chapter." "
10. Reconsiderations
a. Applicants that are non-selected are able to ask for reconsideration of their application if they are within 6 months of the original non-selection. The following information must be provided to COMNAVCRUITCOM:
14 DEC 09
4-13 Enclosure (1)
(1) Applicant’s statement requesting reconsideration and an overview of additional information provided in the reconsideration package.
(2) Any additional information for the board to consider (i.e., evaluations, PRT scores, officer interviews, etc.)
(3) CO’s endorsement on the reconsideration package.
(4) Applicants or command career counselors should submit reconsideration packages via one method outlined in paragraph 6 of this chapter.
b. A new application must be completed if the original non-selection occurred over 6 months previously.
11. Inquiries. Information and questions concerning OCS and ODS programs should be addressed to:
MILLINGTON TN 38054-5057
901-874-9028/DSN 882 ocsquestions@navy.mil"

All of that verbiage says "may or "able". This leads me to believe I could submit a new application for the now July board under ISPP despite getting a non-select on the MAY 2023 board.


Well-Known Member
Have you been selected? where are you in the process?

Yeah, I had no idea until today, I'm just wondering if can I submit for ISPP for the 21 or 22 Jul board since it got pushed. Or would that be within the 6 months and be a "reconsideration"? I can't find anything in the instruction that says I can't apply to 2 consecutive boards. It just says, "h. Application reconsiderations may be submitted if within 6 months of initial non-selection. Procedures for submission are contained in paragraph 10 of this chapter." "
10. Reconsiderations
a. Applicants that are non-selected are able to ask for reconsideration of their application if they are within 6 months of the original non-selection. The following information must be provided to COMNAVCRUITCOM:
14 DEC 09
4-13 Enclosure (1)
(1) Applicant’s statement requesting reconsideration and an overview of additional information provided in the reconsideration package.
(2) Any additional information for the board to consider (i.e., evaluations, PRT scores, officer interviews, etc.)
(3) CO’s endorsement on the reconsideration package.
(4) Applicants or command career counselors should submit reconsideration packages via one method outlined in paragraph 6 of this chapter.
b. A new application must be completed if the original non-selection occurred over 6 months previously.
11. Inquiries. Information and questions concerning OCS and ODS programs should be addressed to:
MILLINGTON TN 38054-5057
901-874-9028/DSN 882 ocsquestions@navy.mil"

All of that verbiage says "may or "able". This leads me to believe I could submit a new application for the now July board under ISPP despite getting a non-select on the MAY 2023 board.
I'd say send it. Worst they say is no.


Well-Known Member
I feel like if I reapply to this board I’m following the definition of insanity.. doing the same thing and expecting different results. But it seems to be completely random so I hope the minor tweaks I make in my package are the difference maker for this one.


Well-Known Member
Also, how soon could we expect confirmation of the deadline being moved? My OR is on leave until 6/20 and the deadline is only 3 days after as it sits right now. I feel time constrained big time.


Well-Known Member
Have you been selected? where are you in the process?

Yeah, I had no idea until today, I'm just wondering if can I submit for ISPP for the 21 or 22 Jul board since it got pushed. Or would that be within the 6 months and be a "reconsideration"? I can't find anything in the instruction that says I can't apply to 2 consecutive boards. It just says, "h. Application reconsiderations may be submitted if within 6 months of initial non-selection. Procedures for submission are contained in paragraph 10 of this chapter." "
10. Reconsiderations
a. Applicants that are non-selected are able to ask for reconsideration of their application if they are within 6 months of the original non-selection. The following information must be provided to COMNAVCRUITCOM:
14 DEC 09
4-13 Enclosure (1)
(1) Applicant’s statement requesting reconsideration and an overview of additional information provided in the reconsideration package.
(2) Any additional information for the board to consider (i.e., evaluations, PRT scores, officer interviews, etc.)
(3) CO’s endorsement on the reconsideration package.
(4) Applicants or command career counselors should submit reconsideration packages via one method outlined in paragraph 6 of this chapter.
b. A new application must be completed if the original non-selection occurred over 6 months previously.
11. Inquiries. Information and questions concerning OCS and ODS programs should be addressed to:
MILLINGTON TN 38054-5057
901-874-9028/DSN 882 ocsquestions@navy.mil"

All of that verbiage says "may or "able". This leads me to believe I could submit a new application for the now July board under ISPP despite getting a non-select on the MAY 2023 board.
I’m submitting a reconsideration now that I have my masters. I was told my package is solid but things are “competitive currently”. So I also tweaked a few things. ISPP applicants take quotas off the top basically. Also, technically if you get the flag officer endorsement along with anything else u are going to add to the package you can apply to July


Well-Known Member
I applied for ISPP and got Pro rec-Y NFO at the age of 30 with the minimum scores. If you have questions, DM me. I did the whole packet my else and handed the CO everything at once. I work the CO endorsement and the Flag endorsement. They submitted it up the chain and gave everything back to me. I submitted the packet myself so I know that it was in there.


Well-Known Member
Have you been selected? where are you in the process?

Yeah, I had no idea until today, I'm just wondering if can I submit for ISPP for the 21 or 22 Jul board since it got pushed. Or would that be within the 6 months and be a "reconsideration"? I can't find anything in the instruction that says I can't apply to 2 consecutive boards. It just says, "h. Application reconsiderations may be submitted if within 6 months of initial non-selection. Procedures for submission are contained in paragraph 10 of this chapter." "
10. Reconsiderations
a. Applicants that are non-selected are able to ask for reconsideration of their application if they are within 6 months of the original non-selection. The following information must be provided to COMNAVCRUITCOM:
14 DEC 09
4-13 Enclosure (1)
(1) Applicant’s statement requesting reconsideration and an overview of additional information provided in the reconsideration package.
(2) Any additional information for the board to consider (i.e., evaluations, PRT scores, officer interviews, etc.)
(3) CO’s endorsement on the reconsideration package.
(4) Applicants or command career counselors should submit reconsideration packages via one method outlined in paragraph 6 of this chapter.
b. A new application must be completed if the original non-selection occurred over 6 months previously.
11. Inquiries. Information and questions concerning OCS and ODS programs should be addressed to:
MILLINGTON TN 38054-5057
901-874-9028/DSN 882 ocsquestions@navy.mil"

All of that verbiage says "may or "able". This leads me to believe I could submit a new application for the now July board under ISPP despite getting a non-select on the MAY 2023 board.
Don't nuke it, just do the ISPP route and do it now.
I see that one person in the spreadsheet for this board is indicating “at-board.” My kit should already be submitted so is it possible to check my status?


Well-Known Member
Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere on this site, but hoping someone may have an answer.

If I am submitting my second package after Pro Rec N last board, will I have an additional space to cover what was changed in my package? Or is this to be done through a revised motivational statement? Any details on this are much appreciated.