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31July2023 SNA/SNFO Board


Yep. Paul emailed me the same. I asked about the October board being moved and he said he only has the schedule as of today.
Did Paul mention an official due date? My ISPP package is still routing in the wing toward the first flag at the group. I meet with the wing commodore soon. No idea if I'll make this board, kinda concerned.


Well-Known Member
Did Paul mention an official due date? My ISPP package is still routing in the wing toward the first flag at the group. I meet with the wing commodore soon. No idea if I'll make this board, kinda concerned.
He did not, I would assume about a month prior ??‍♀️. I would just shoot him an email. He's very good about getting back in a timely manner.


Well-Known Member
There seems to be people sorting the spread sheet with conflicting priority, and we are potentially at risk of mixing data. Each time I check it everyone is in a different spot ?


Well-Known Member
You should be able to lock the spreadsheet from filtering. If someone want to sort they will need to save the file on their on Google drive.


Active Member
If I submitted and retook the ASTB after the submission deadline would the board see the new scores?

I’m going to ask my recruiter about submitting if the deadline is July 28th.


Active Member
Hey guys, Im curious on thoughts. I was selected SNFO in May 2023 but never applied for it, I did turn it down and reapplied for SNA. I retook ASTBE and scored 56 778. Better than the first attempt, im 30 with a batchelors in aviation tech and applied at 50 flight hours AND am prior service. I was supposed to go on the September 2022 board and then I was told im pushed to the May 22 2023 board. I still have not received any results. Now my recruiter who forgot I have a package in looked me up and my status is "AT BOARD". He then told me he knows of a few other guys with reconsideration packets that are being pushed back board after board like me waiting on their results. Any thoughts on when my packet will be reviewed or whats going on with reconsideration packets? Matbe since there are so many applicants they looked at half in May and the other half will be looked at July 31?
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