From Share point NRC:
"NRC's SharePoint environment will complete cut over to FlankSpeed environment COB 30 SEP 2022
The MPTE NRC SharePoint portal has been placed into a read only status and all traffic to the old site is being redirected to the new Flank Speed SharePoint Online portal. However, after the shutdown of the legacy page on 1 OCT 2022, this redirect will no longer function so please update your bookmarks and favorites with the new url/link. "
MPTE used to be where you would find the At Board list and where they post results. NRC has completely switched to Flank Speed as of the first and the only thing they have been consistently posting in the GENOFF Board results is well, board results. The last At Board list was the SWO list on the 30th of September. Most recent post was the IWC Results 3 days ago.
Unfortunately, I don't think we will see an At Board list for this board. NRC has it, but until they start saving the At Board lists on SharePoint vice internal servers, AD guys wont be able to get it unless one of us work at NRC and has access to the internal S drive. FlankSpeed/SharePoint is designed to replace internal S and H drives so in Navy time it'll be a few years years lol
AD Pers should have their PQ letter by now and notification from Mr. Celestine that their package has been forwarded to this board. Not sure on the civi side, your recruiters deal with Mr. Elam for GENOFF Accessions. I agree with
exNavyOffRec, at this point pray for results around Thanksgiving/first week of December, relax and put it out of your mind. Arguably the hardest part is the waiting, worst quality of the Navy lol hurry up and wait!
Good luck everybody!