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Another "praise the Raptor" article

Ok, so the Flat-man has landed on a (rather big) boat, flown both airplanes of both the "eggbeater" kind and the pointy nose kind (and punched out of one of said airplanes, for which I would like to hear the story) and still can't get no respect around here. :icon_wink You guys are brutal! :D


Eggbeaters typically refers to Helicopters not props.

Thanks for the support though. :icon_wink


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Hey be happy I didn't miss it somehow :D everyone kept saying look for a floating airstrip so there I am circling around looking for a 9000 foot moving island with dancing hula girls and a bar...... what I find was a carrier :eek:.... Imagine my disappointment :icon_lol:.

And I thought it was the golf course that most folks in blue were looking for....


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
as for the army i dont even know if the army even plans their approach with congress.

Yes, they are pulling up the rear and no wonder so many programs of theirs get shot in the forehead...those of you flying the MH-60 series can thank the Army. While the Helicopter Master Plan was being staffed (that led to MH-60R/S) without funding, Congress challenged the Army on thier repeated request for urgent upgrades to the Chinook rotor system. When their story fell apart, the Navy was given a windfall to embark on the Helo Master plan.


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
Speaking of green light... much drinking will be had over the next week in NAS Oceana... anyone gonna be at the Club-a-Dub?


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Yeah, the "story" behind how that kill "actually" happened had me in stitches :D:eek::D

For those of you who had taken Philosophy...the Basenet thread is just like Plato's Allegory of the Cave....with a dose of paranoia about F-22 getting caught in a snapshot guns and resultant rabid attack on the Navy pilot's flagrant disregard of training rules to get it (others claim it's not real or couldn't have happened).

What's even better is someone commenting on this thread to which others challenge him to come over here and straighten "us" out. Response: "...and get my ass kicked?"


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
What's even better is someone commenting on this thread to which others challenge him to come over here and straighten "us" out. Response: "...and get my ass kicked?"

Wasn't he also told there were members of VFA-11 on this board? Not sure who those are, but I'm sure they're kind, seemly gentlemen who would treat his "opinions" with the utmost respect :)


Super Moderator
For those of you who had taken Philosophy...the Basenet thread is just like Plato's Allegory of the Cave....with a dose of paranoia about F-22 getting caught in a snapshot guns and resultant rabid attack on the Navy pilot's flagrant disregard of training rules to get it (others claim it's not real or couldn't have happened).

What's even better is someone commenting on this thread to which others challenge him to come over here and straighten "us" out. Response: "...and get my ass kicked?"

I have been prowling around that website tongiht, definitely very.....very USAF. Nerdy, with a definite hint of band geek thrown in for good measure..........with waaaayyyyyy too many 'experts'.


....with a dose of paranoia about F-22 getting caught in a snapshot guns and resultant rabid attack on the Navy pilot's flagrant disregard of training rules to get it ....
Change "F-22" to "F-15" and insert "Navy A-4" just prior to "pilot's flagrant disregard" .....

.......and it's deja vu .... all over again ... :D