Alrighty folks, we're still waiting on two people but I haven't heard anything from them, so I am going to go ahead and post the stats. I removed names, so please don't take anything personally when people try to pick apart the data or talk about stuff like "quality" etc.
Keep in mind that this sample is incomplete, and nonrandom as it was all volunteered by AW members. Also, boards can emphasize different things, and the posting from NRD Houston said that the board wasn't overall impressed with the quality of many applicants. I don't know if that means that those selected would have had harder times at other boards, or if they were just talking about the non-selects.
For SNA: It would appear that a 7 was necessary but not sufficient on the PFAR. NavyOffRec said he might have seen some 6s in PMs. GPA was apparently not as big a deal, and the ASTB in all areas was quite higher in selects than non-selects, as expected. However, it does appear that selects with less than a 3.0 GPA had damn good ASTBs.
*Applicant was unable to recall ASTB scores as they were pretty old, but thinks he may have a 5 in there somewhere.
It rather unfortunately seems that we have some of the 4% here. Given that the selection rate was so high, it is really hard to say much with only two non-selects. One of them pointed out in a previous post that he had a few things going against him from when he was younger. Perhaps they just grabbed the people that weren't "zero-defect" or lowest few ASTB scores. We can only speculate.
As far as SNA vs. SNFO goes, the aviation side of the ASTBs dropped a bit, AQR wasn't much different and neither was GPA.