They do, but it's for not, apparently. For years, I would ask why helicopters have to give their life story to ground. NASNI is the worst, but Mayport was pretty bad. There was one stretch when I was the Safety Officer and the Tower Chief was a just-arrived Warrant and I was able to talk to him about how silly the calls are. He agreed (I think he may have come from Oceana or Lemoore) and we were able to just give a souls, fuel and SAR capability call. That lasted about a month.
I shit you not, on more than one occasion I was launching IFR and Ground asked for all of my details.
"All of that is on the DD-175 I filed."
<Chaos in the tower ensues>
I think a lot of it comes from Whiting where every helo student learns to tell the world their life story, so that becomes the norm for the community. But NASNI's Base Ops manual is also pretty silly by requiring all of it in black and white.