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CJCS responds to Rep. Gaetz


Well-Known Member
Aside from the fact that no one ever said anything like that, that is pretty much what some colonist thought. The "white man's burden" was just that. Although the foundation was a racist view of the native society and culture, some colonist and most missionaries myopically and conceitedly viewed their actions as beneficial to the indigenous peoples. It was their duty to manage the affairs of the colonized to include, in the Anglo/American version at least, education so the indigenous could take over their own management in the colonist's or missionary's image and function in a modern western society. Today, we rightly see that differently. But it doesn't change how many people viewed the mission at the time.
That’s fair.

I think it’s an extremely complex problem.


Well-Known Member
Just read.

Im not sure.

But women, peace, and security is currently a huge undertaking by OSD Policy.

OSD finds value in having females in senior ranks in order to conduct security cooperation.

So if an organization decides they want to maintain diversity in order to help achieve their objectives is it wrong?
You've said this a couple of times and I will admit that I'm ignorant to what you're talking about. So I can make sure I understand...are you saying that there are partner nations or organizations that will not cooperate with DOD in security operations unless certain billets (senior or otherwise) are filled by women?

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member

In today’s Hawaii society you are one of the woke’s “privileged” yet you’re screaming racism in Hawaii is adversely affecting your privileged culture/race. Worse, you are demanding discrimination against the oppressed people to further your privilege.

If you don’t want to be a hypocrite, you should be apologizing to all the white people in Hawaii for your privilege.

Put that CRT and reverse discrimination bullshit you love into action.


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
It was their duty to manage the affairs of the colonized to include, in the Anglo/American version at least, education so the indigenous could take over their own management in the colonist's or missionary's image and function in a modern western society.
That's a good general description of the Anglo model. The French and Portuguese models were a bit different (evolué and assimilado are equivalent terms, IIRC, and they tell you a lot about the mindset) and there were a few other models in the other European great powers, but the ultimate goal was the same, to bring all those peoples into the western world by changing them.


Well-Known Member
You've said this a couple of times and I will admit that I'm ignorant to what you're talking about. So I can make sure I understand...are you saying that there are partner nations or organizations that will not cooperate with DOD in security operations unless certain billets (senior or otherwise) are filled by women?



Well-Known Member

In today’s Hawaii society you are one of the woke’s “privileged” yet you’re screaming racism in Hawaii is adversely affecting your privileged culture/race. Worse, you are demanding discrimination against the oppressed people to further your privilege.

If you don’t want to be a hypocrite, you should be apologizing to all the white people in Hawaii for your privilege.

Put that CRT and reverse discrimination bullshit you love into action.

I don’t get it


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
That's a good general description of the Anglo model. The French and Portuguese models were a bit different (evolué and assimilado are equivalent terms, IIRC, and they tell you a lot about the mindset) and there were a few other models in the other European great powers, but the ultimate goal was the same, to bring all those peoples into the western world by changing them.
A quick mental inventory does seem to indicate the British Empire approach generally more effective at preparing colonies for self government once independent.


Well-Known Member

In today’s Hawaii society you are one of the woke’s “privileged” yet you’re screaming racism in Hawaii is adversely affecting your privileged culture/race. Worse, you are demanding discrimination against the oppressed people to further your privilege.

If you don’t want to be a hypocrite, you should be apologizing to all the white people in Hawaii for your privilege.

Put that CRT and reverse discrimination bullshit you love into action.
Also no matter how much you want it to be- Hawaii is never going to be like the rest of the United States. It’s always going to have the undertones you don’t seem to like.


Well-Known Member
there were a few other models in the other European great powers, but the ultimate goal was the same, to bring all those peoples into the western world by changing them.
An inspiration for Conrad's The Heart of Darkness, which therefore also inspired Apocalypse Now, was what happened in the Belgian Congo. Worth knowing about in order to know how far things can go.

...the colonial nations of Europe authorised his claim by committing the Congo Free State to improving the lives of the native inhabitants.

From the beginning, Leopold ignored these conditions. Millions of Congolese inhabitants, including children, were mutilated, killed or died from disease during his rule. He ran the Congo using the mercenary Force Publique for his personal enrichment. Failure to meet rubber collection quotas was punishable by death. Meanwhile, the Force Publique were required to provide the hand of their victims as proof when they had shot and killed someone, as it was believed that they would otherwise use the munitions (imported from Europe at considerable cost) for hunting. As a consequence, the rubber quotas were in part paid off in chopped-off hands.


Well-Known Member

I read the whole thing twice and I didn't see one mention of countries that are unwilling to participate with the US unless women are in senior positions. These two (of 3) objective bullets seem to sum up the article pretty well:
  • To be a diverse organization that allows for women's meaningful participation across the development, management and employment of the joint force;
  • To work with partner nations to see women meaningfully participate in serving all ranks, and in all occupations in defense and security sectors in
I read that as us trying to convince partner nations that women can meaningfully participate in the joint force at all levels. There's nothing in there to suggest anything beyond that I noticed. Certainly nothing to validate doing anything different than we're already doing.


Well-Known Member
I read the whole thing twice and I didn't see one mention of countries that are unwilling to participate with the US unless women are in senior positions. These two (of 3) objective bullets seem to sum up the article pretty well:
  • To be a diverse organization that allows for women's meaningful participation across the development, management and employment of the joint force;
  • To work with partner nations to see women meaningfully participate in serving all ranks, and in all occupations in defense and security sectors in
I read that as us trying to convince partner nations that women can meaningfully participate in the joint force at all levels. There's nothing in there to suggest anything beyond that I noticed. Certainly nothing to validate doing anything different than we're already doing.

if you have SIPR access or truly finding out more the CCMDs have the plans for it and more information.

It is also getting integrated into the War Colleges

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member

I don’t get it

Privilege - that thing the woke left and their critical race theory claim all white people automatically have, must recognize and give up everything to atone for? But I guess because it's the Hawaiians who have privilege here it's suddenly a term that not understood.

Also no matter how much you want it to be- Hawaii is never going to be like the rest of the United States. It’s always going to have the undertones you don’t seem to like.

So you're saying racism and discrimination against whites in Hawaii is inevitable and acceptable because Hawaii is different from the rest of the United States? Yet you are demanding an end to racism and discrimination Hawaiians (and everybody except white people because history) elsewhere in the United States to the point it's okay to discriminate against whites to revenge past wrongs? Very hypocritical.


Well-Known Member
Privilege - that thing the woke left and their critical race theory claim all white people automatically have, must recognize and give up everything to atone for? But I guess because it's the Hawaiians who have privilege here it's suddenly a term that not understood.

So you're saying racism and discrimination against whites in Hawaii is inevitable and acceptable because Hawaii is different from the rest of the United States? Yet you are demanding an end to racism and discrimination Hawaiians (and everybody except white people because history) elsewhere in the United States to the point it's okay to discriminate against whites to revenge past wrongs? Very hypocritical.
No that is not at all what I said.

Nobody is advocating for White people to give up anything.

Why is that always a thought? If someone gets an improvement then that means someone is getting it taken away?