Sorry, but I'm waiving the bullshit flag on this one.
One of the largest problems facing low-income families is obesity.
Obesity continues to be a health burden to society and new efforts may be needed to combat this epidemic. This study aims to investigate the contribution of parents education and level of income, food environment (grocery stores and fast food ...
In the vast majority of cases, the parents can afford to send the children to school with lunch - they just choose not to. Note that I have no inherent issue with universal school lunch if for no other reason than convenience, but the Puss 'n Boots' wide-eyed alligator tear approach is just a cash grab.
As for special education... principals often have their hands full with every Tom and Jane who wants their child classified as special ed the moment they have a modicum of academic or behavioral challenges. So much so that it created military recruiting shortfalls until we changed the rules regarding past mental disorder diagnoses.