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Fight's On! The origins of TOPGUN and dogfights back in the day/future prospects


Registered User
Soooooooooo ... how do you know when to call it off ??? If you don't "call it" ... call a "kill" ... they may try to press something when it's pointless to continue ... I'm not disagreeing w/ your gentleman-ness considerations ... just sayin' what it was like to do "it" for a job ...

It's about training and getting "better" ... lessons learned ... not egos.
At least that's the desired outcome ... :)

Although w/ Naval Aviators, there's always some degree of ego involved.

You may be reading too much into my comments.

I'm only saying b/t IPs and you usually call KIO about 2 seconds after his SA light has come back on and he realizes he's getting shot. If not, then you continue to shoot him:icon_tong


You may be reading too much into my comments.

I'm only saying b/t IPs and you usually call KIO about 2 seconds after his SA light has come back on and he realizes he's getting shot. If not, then you continue to shoot him:icon_tong
Probably ... like I said -- we were doin' it "as a job" ... you're doin' it for fun.

That's worlds apart.


Armed and Dangerous
Always call your shots and kills. One of the better ACM exchanges I've heard on tape: Shootee, after a long string of "Tracking calls" from the shooter, "Any ideas what I should do now?" Shooter, "Ya could try ejecting." Priceless. Thanks Baroo.

Single Seat

Average member

The article goes into Col Rodriguez's 3 kills and then on into some history and of course the need for the F-22. Kind of interesting in that the HUD tape was retrieved from a Mig-29 that showed an AIM-7 about to hit him in the face. Read a little blurb from an Indian magazine editor that said during the last Red Flag with the their SU-30, they held a 21:1 kill ratio over our fighters. I of course have no idea if true but good discussion......for those in the know newbies...warning.

I want a copy of that picture.


Hmmm, the powers that be have been making a BIG push to sell the F-22 in the past few weeks. Cracking open the paper last week I see full page ads for the F-22, appealing to its economic and jobs impact. A few days later there is a big editorial talking up the F-22:


Then this article. I am not thinking it is all a coincidence.

Speaking of which...on a recent visit to the Ft. Walton Beach/Eglin AFB area I've seen full blown billboards advertising the F-22 as the Sound of Freedom.


Retired Strike Pig Driver

The article goes into Col Rodriguez's 3 kills and then on into some history and of course the need for the F-22. Kind of interesting in that the HUD tape was retrieved from a Mig-29 that showed an AIM-7 about to hit him in the face. Read a little blurb from an Indian magazine editor that said during the last Red Flag with the their SU-30, they held a 21:1 kill ratio over our fighters. I of course have no idea if true but good discussion......for those in the know newbies...warning.

There is a problem with Rico's claim about that picture: the MiG-29 camera doesn't record forward through the combining glass. It records DOWN through the actual CRT that generates the HUD symbology.

A journalist friend of mine who has written numerous books on the F-15 (including one that details the history of all the F-15 kills), when I sent him the article, commented that the AIM-7 photo is supposedly from a drone that was shot down.

Not sure of the real story.

WRT the Red Flag story, that is total crap: The Flankers were part of the blue force! Unless, of course, the Indians are considering kills achieved on the Aggressors as victories against "our fighters".
They actually had a documentary of this actual engagement he is talking about on the history channel on a series of Dogfights. He goes through the whole dogfight and I think they might even have a clip of him shooting the plane.


Yea, 21:1 is crap. They were pounding mud on the Blue side, as per Hacker. Met a small group of their pilots. Good dudes, nice, personable, etc.