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FREE ASTB Simulator Program (For the Performance Based Measures section)

Hello, I've set up all the necessary key binds including the buttons on mouse RB (trigger) and E (clutch) for the diagnostic... when in anti micro they light up but they aren't working consistently in the Jomo's sim. The trigger on the joystick doesnt seem to be registering in the sim, whilst the clutch registers. Any idea of what I should do to fix this? Thanks all


New Member
Has anyone had luck with mapping controls on a mac using an x56? I can get the throttle to work and the joystick does what I need it to do outside of the program but as soon as I click start there's no response.


New Member
I'm on my second night playing with this sim, and I have been constantly getting 100-110 on hard, my question is how does this compare to the test? is it harder or easier than the test?


Active Member
I'm on my second night playing with this sim, and I have been constantly getting 100-110 on hard, my question is how does this compare to the test? is it harder or easier than the test?
It's easier on the test. Also which link are you using?
Is anyone else having a problem with the emergency mode ? Currently using a X52 with antimicro and the config file thats attached to this thread. Is the emergency mode supposed to trigger as soon as I get through the instruction prompts ?


New Member
I'm not sure how to word this exactly, but does anyone know if the joystick on the actual ASTB is based on absolute position of the joystick or relative movement of the joystick?

For example if it was absolute, centering the joystick will always put the cursor in the center of the screen, and full left+back would always put the cursor fully in the top left corner, where every position of the joystick correlates to a specific position on the screen

Or does it work like when using antimicro where centering the joystick just stops the cursor from moving, and any further inputs just slowly move the cursor in whatever direction you push it


Active Member
I'm not sure how to word this exactly, but does anyone know if the joystick on the actual ASTB is based on absolute position of the joystick or relative movement of the joystick?

For example if it was absolute, centering the joystick will always put the cursor in the center of the screen, and full left+back would always put the cursor fully in the top left corner, where every position of the joystick correlates to a specific position on the screen

Or does it work like when using antimicro where centering the joystick just stops the cursor from moving, and any further inputs just slowly move the cursor in whatever direction you push it
From what I remembered when I took the ASTB, the joystick doesn't bounce back to the center of the screen, when you let it go. (If that's what you mean.) Wherever you let go, is where the cursor will be at.
I'm not sure how to word this exactly, but does anyone know if the joystick on the actual ASTB is based on absolute position of the joystick or relative movement of the joystick?

For example if it was absolute, centering the joystick will always put the cursor in the center of the screen, and full left+back would always put the cursor fully in the top left corner, where every position of the joystick correlates to a specific position on the screen

Or does it work like when using antimicro where centering the joystick just stops the cursor from moving, and any further inputs just slowly move the cursor in whatever direction you push it
Just do the astb Sim. It's not absolute position.


New Member
Hi Everyone,

Recently picked up the x52 and started practicing with the presets on AntiMicro. Has anyone changed the dead zone to other settings? I've seen others use 3000. What deadzone is the most accurate to the Stick & throttle portion of the test?


Hi Everyone,

Recently picked up the x52 and started practicing with the presets on AntiMicro. Has anyone changed the dead zone to other settings? I've seen others use 3000. What deadzone is the most accurate to the Stick & throttle portion of the test?
Scroll thru this thread a little bit, somebody posted a config file with the correct setup. Worked well for me, was pretty close to the real thing.


New Member
Is anyone having an issue with the browser picking up their Bluetooth headphones and trying to use that for controller inputs in the emergency mode? I'm trying to find a fix for it now, but I may just resort to using wired headphones if that works.

Edit: I just checked and it works with my wired headphones just fine, but I need to unplug the USB dongle for my Bluetooth headphones. If anyone has insight into this, please let me know.
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New Member
Just took the ASTB, I got a AQR: 9, PFAR: 9, and FOFAR: 8

If anyone wants to compare scores, on hardest difficulty I would average around 100-120 with around 80ish% of the cues correct. I never got the emergencies to work for my joystick

Actual test looks and feels basically identical to the sim, awesome study tool :)


New Member
Just took the ASTB, I got a AQR: 9, PFAR: 9, and FOFAR: 8

If anyone wants to compare scores, on hardest difficulty I would average around 100-120 with around 80ish% of the cues correct. I never got the emergencies to work for my joystick

Actual test looks and feels basically identical to the sim, awesome study tool :)
What did you focus on the most when taking the test? Ive seen some places say that the dichotic listening is the most important part. Just got my stick and throttle and finding it pretty hard to track both stick and throttle. Just want to know where I should dedicate most of my time.


New Member
What did you focus on the most when taking the test? Ive seen some places say that the dichotic listening is the most important part. Just got my stick and throttle and finding it pretty hard to track both stick and throttle. Just want to know where I should dedicate most of my time.
I definitely think I did better on the dichotic listening during the actual test than what I typically got during practice with the sim, so that could’ve definitely contributed to the score. I don’t know which is weighted heavier though

As for what I focused on I’d say it was about equal, I got in the zone and had a pretty even split between listening and following. I would say practicing the listening until you don’t really have to think about it makes it a lot easier to focus on tracking. Definitely practice both at the same once you can do them individually though. Part of the difficulty is having to process that much at once, and it definitely won’t be beneficial to skimp the stick and rudder portion in favor of getting the dichotic listening 100%

The biggest advice I can give for the stick and rudder is to have a good scan of the screen. Don’t fixate on either portion too long trying to get it just right, just get it on target and keep the scan going.