I definitely think I did better on the dichotic listening during the actual test than what I typically got during practice with the sim, so that could’ve definitely contributed to the score. I don’t know which is weighted heavier though
As for what I focused on I’d say it was about equal, I got in the zone and had a pretty even split between listening and following. I would say practicing the listening until you don’t really have to think about it makes it a lot easier to focus on tracking. Definitely practice both at the same once you can do them individually though. Part of the difficulty is having to process that much at once, and it definitely won’t be beneficial to skimp the stick and rudder portion in favor of getting the dichotic listening 100%
The biggest advice I can give for the stick and rudder is to have a good scan of the screen. Don’t fixate on either portion too long trying to get it just right, just get it on target and keep the scan going.