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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants


New Member
I can't believe it is almost midnight and I am still awake. This is insane. I am an in bed by 9 o'clock kind of girl. Insanity I tell you! Someone please tell me that there is some insider info on when the results are going to peek their evil little heads. I need to be normal again.


rumor has it that the results have been leaked and may have been on this site very briefly. Can anybody confirm or deny this rumor?


New Member
Side note....I was at work on npc watching messages and I refreshed the page so many times the computer told me I could no longer view the page. My Navy computer locked me out of a Navy website. What kind of crap is that? I guess there is an F5 limit. :)


New Member
I haven't seen them and I have this up all day. I am in afghan so I am on here at all the odd hours.


New Member
Future...even though I know the chances of this are probably slim, I still got butterflies and a smile. So thank you...I needed that


New Member
Then there is always facing the everyone that recommended you and your co-workers. Everyone says the same thing too..."That sucks, I was sure you had it. You will get it next time."

Woow, I did not think about that. Yeah thats going to be tough. I hate pity talk...


I woke up at 0600 just to check airwarriors.com and the navadmin website....
I'm on Leave...

Im getting ready to go home on leave to JAX, i wish they would come out before i go home, that way i can have some great news. (hopefully) however back to monitoring high side message traffic here from my desk. everytime i hear the pong noise i will check the messages. the results have come out on the 4th before. and they have came out on a monday, but never so early, normally afternoon.


New Member
Well if they dont come out today I will not check again until friday. I am going to finish my medical screening today. I dont want to apply to college yet because if I dont make it, it will be a waste of money. I guess I will go for a run with my dog.