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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants


New Member
I am dying here. I am sitting here and everytime i hear the email pop sound from my high side, im hitting the button on the little black box to switch over and its nothing!!! Man the anxiety!!!! like my stomach feels like when i went skydiving. i dont even want to go to lunch, i ordered pizza. Ha ha!
I feel sorry for my LPO when she comes in at 1400. She's my message traffic hook up, lol. There will be no peace for her until I'm off work!


New Member
I just want the Officers in my command to stop taking turns coming to the shop, asking me if the results are out; then laughing hysterically. It is so not helping! Do you know something I don't, or are you just being plain mean?!? Those little rascals :)


New Member
Waiting waiting waiting

Why do I get the funny feeling as if these results are going to be delayed just like last year's results? Either way do you guys suggest scheduling the physical or should I wait till the results are released?

Good luck to everyone!


New Member
Why do I get the funny feeling as if these results are going to be delayed just like last year's results? Either way do you guys suggest scheduling the physical or should I wait till the results are released?

Good luck to everyone!

Funny you should say that...I get the same exact feeling. All this constant checking for nothing! I think I am going to go ahead and work on my physical if I get two free minutes from my desk, just to give me something else to focus on. I am obviously not doing my work right now.


New Member
I have been dreading this since September. I checked my package status, and it said I was missing a pg 13 for the CORE option (I also applied to Med corps). Thinking I was done for this year I started to get my transcripts in order for next years. Then I had a thought: does it just disqualify me for CORE and not the Medical corps? So gave the placement officer a call asking about that, and he said it would *NOT* disqualify my package for the selection board, that after selection I would be encouraged to submit the page 13.

The funny thing is I keep thinking that he misunderstood what I was asking and that it really did get disqualified. What do you guys think?


New Member
I have been dreading this since September. I checked my package status, and it said I was missing a pg 13 for the CORE option (I also applied to Med corps). Thinking I was done for this year I started to get my transcripts in order for next years. Then I had a thought: does it just disqualify me for CORE and not the Medical corps? So gave the placement officer a call asking about that, and he said it would *NOT* disqualify my package for the selection board, that after selection I would be encouraged to submit the page 13.

The funny thing is I keep thinking that he misunderstood what I was asking and that it really did get disqualified. What do you guys think?

Mine said the same thing. I just faxed them my CORE pg. 13 and the message went away and my totals for Statement of Understanding went from 1 to 2.


New Member
Exactly, that is why I was wondering. the last one that came out was 1 Oct..Not looking good at all.


New Member
I have been dreading this since September. I checked my package status, and it said I was missing a pg 13 for the CORE option (I also applied to Med corps). Thinking I was done for this year I started to get my transcripts in order for next years. Then I had a thought: does it just disqualify me for CORE and not the Medical corps? So gave the placement officer a call asking about that, and he said it would *NOT* disqualify my package for the selection board, that after selection I would be encouraged to submit the page 13.

The funny thing is I keep thinking that he misunderstood what I was asking and that it really did get disqualified. What do you guys think?

Same thing happened to me....but they didn't update my package status until after the deadline. He told me the same thing, it isn't a disqualifying factor


New Member
I don't know how much truth this has to it, but my admin officer told me I should know something Wed. Please don't kill me when it turns out to be a false statement. I just wanted to share what my CDR told me. Oh man I hope I don't disappoint all these people fighting for me! That's going to feel so horrible. I especially don't want to let down my family. *Sigh*


so i was just messin' around on google with "sta-21" searches, particularly looking at what schools have nrotc units, and came across a forum post from military.com from the fy-09 selection...someone apparently had the balls to straight up call the NPC help desk and ask what the navadmin was for the STA-21 results, and when they were going to be posted. The person they talked to told them that it was 289/09 and that they would be posted around 1430....sure thing, thats what it was, and around when it was posted... screw it, i'm calling NPC tomorrow on behalf of all of us.


New Member
maybe they work like every other admin dept. If you just bug them enough they will give you what you want. awsome!