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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants


New Member
Well if they dont come out today I will not check again until friday. I am going to finish my medical screening today. I dont want to apply to college yet because if I dont make it, it will be a waste of money. I guess I will go for a run with my dog.

Today has to be the day. It'd be pretty jacked to put out E8-E9, O3-O6, W3-W5, and notify OCS but not notify STA-21 folks.


Well-Known Member
With all the eyes on message traffic, would someone please let me know when the NROTC Service Selection message comes out as well? Every OC who got picked up for CORE and is graduating soon would really appreciate it :)


New Member
Can you change your college wishlist? I think I put for SDSU instead of University of San Diego...(Real man of genius)


Today has to be the day. It'd be pretty jacked to put out E8-E9, O3-O6, W3-W5, and notify OCS but not notify STA-21 folks.

Someone should email mike paros. last year there were some folks real close with him. maybe he has some insight. However i want to know the number of total packages that made the initial cut. because each year they still disqualify packages for age, no act/sat, no CO endorsement???????. i heard it was like over 700 total for review, so that could mean the total number would be really low than it has been in the past 8 yrs. so maybe high 400s or 500s. they normally selected 200, so that makes it an 50/50 shot somewhat?? maybe?? hey whatever to make my hopes high!


New Member
Someone should email mike paros. last year there were some folks real close with him. maybe he has some insight. However i want to know the number of total packages that made the initial cut. because each year they still disqualify packages for age, no act/sat, no CO endorsement???????. i heard it was like over 700 total for review, so that could mean the total number would be really low than it has been in the past 8 yrs. so maybe high 400s or 500s. they normally selected 200, so that makes it an 50/50 shot somewhat?? maybe?? hey whatever to make my hopes high!

That just gave me a bit of a smile and more hope, still nervous as hell though!


New Member
Then there is always facing everyone that recommended you and your co-workers. Everyone says the same thing too..."That sucks, I was sure you had it. You will get it next time."

Yeah, I got that last year. I guess in that sence it is good that I transferred and not that many people know I am applying. If my name is on it I will have to hurry and get my MTS. If not then I have a few extra months to get it.


New Member
I have a six hour drive back to Pensacola today.... I'm going to try not to stop at every rest area with wifi just to check message traffic and AW!!! I'm seriously ready to know something! anything.... The suspense is killing me! Hope everyone had a great weekend, go Braves for pulling out the wild card!


New Member
damn! I cant stand it anymore.
I dont think Mike will know anything in reference to when the results are out. once they are out of his hands then they are in the waiting game like the rest of us. i remember him saying that last year. but knowing how many packages were scrubbed for incompleteness would be great to know. if anyone can get that information out of him please post.


New Member

Three years now I have checked this thread. The first two I joined you all in a panic. Even if I didn't post I was reading... waiting... impatiently. But this year I was sitting in a CNATTU class for two hours before I was bored enough to wander in here. I guess I feel more confident then last year. But pulling over to check WiFi? I can't assume you're joking cause I know sailors like that. Well I hope all of you find something productive to do while you wait. Or learn to find something as you all intend to lead people one day. Good luck. Also... dont bother responding to this. I am staying away from this board. Taking the ZEN approach and letting life happen. I'll see you out there.


New Member
Three years now I have checked this thread. The first two I joined you all in a panic. Even if I didn't post I was reading... waiting... impatiently. But this year I was sitting in a CNATTU class for two hours before I was bored enough to wander in here. I guess I feel more confident then last year. But pulling over to check WiFi? I can't assume you're joking cause I know sailors like that. Well I hope all of you find something productive to do while you wait. Or learn to find something as you all intend to lead people one day. Good luck. Also... dont bother responding to this. I am staying away from this board. Taking the ZEN approach and letting life happen. I'll see you out there.

I'll be honest, I'm anxious as hell, but I also hope that the guy talking about pulling over for wifi access was kidding. Just use your smartphone or your CoC will call you. As far as the site is concerned, I check on a daily basis and keep it up at work because I get that nice "other people are freaking out too" feel from the board, lol. Its all fun. even if you don't respond, just figured I'd toss in my 2 cents.


New Member
I hope I find the zen approach as you do, until then I will wait impatiently like the rest of us. As for finding something productive to do....sure. I understand that you suggested you were not returning to this board and my response may fall on deaf ears (eyes) but blasting all of us may be what you consider as productive, I must have a different book, 'cause I dont see it in here. As for everyone else (and you too, halfasiandude) Good luck and look forward to possibly meeting some of you.


New Member
Ha ha ha, yes. I am kidding about pulling over for wifi access! It will be an anxious 6 hour car ride, but after waiting several months 6 hours is nothing. However, I'm sure I will find out before my CoC. They are out in San Fran for an airshow, and there is only a skeleton crew left back. No one is watching message traffic... so odds are I'll find out via AW!


New Member
It's days like this that I have a distaste for Hawaii; being on leave, figuring out the time difference in my head, wondering if they person who will post the results is even at work, and a general lack of nothing to do. Oh sweet anxiety.


It's days like this that I have a distaste for Hawaii; being on leave, figuring out the time difference in my head, wondering if they person who will post the results is even at work, and a general lack of nothing to do. Oh sweet anxiety.

I am dying here. I am sitting here and everytime i hear the email pop sound from my high side, im hitting the button on the little black box to switch over and its nothing!!! Man the anxiety!!!! like my stomach feels like when i went skydiving. i dont even want to go to lunch, i ordered pizza. Ha ha!