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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants


New Member
so i was just messin' around on google with "sta-21" searches, particularly looking at what schools have nrotc units, and came across a forum post from military.com from the fy-09 selection...someone apparently had the balls to straight up call the NPC help desk and ask what the navadmin was for the STA-21 results, and when they were going to be posted. The person they talked to told them that it was 289/09 and that they would be posted around 1430....sure thing, thats what it was, and around when it was posted... screw it, i'm calling NPC tomorrow on behalf of all of us.

hell yeah, call tomorrow man. I was thinking on having my wife calling in behalf of (blank) university asking for the date of the results...


New Member
Don’t worry I have been that way for the last week. I just finally caved and sent npc an e-mail asking if the NAVADMIN was designated with a release date. Worst they can say is no. That doesn’t mean that I will stop hitting refresh.


New Member
its 0850 and no new NAVADMINs yet. None all day yesterday....are they even at work this week?!


New Member
I am doing JSOQ boards for my command and I am stopping between people to check NPC. Everyone on the board is laughing hysterically.


New Member
I haven't been on here for awhile. I have been out to sea. I thought the results don't come out till October 15th at the earliest, has something changed? Are they coming out earlier?


New Member
Just wanted to say good luck, and I remember I checked this site everyday last year. The disappointing part last year was the NavAdmin didn't come out till 5 November or something like that. Hopefully that won't be the case this year.


New Member
I haven't been on here for awhile. I have been out to sea. I thought the results don't come out till October 15th at the earliest, has something changed? Are they coming out earlier?

They come out starting in Oct (except for 2001 when they came out at the end of Sep) at any time. If you look at the navadmins from each year previous you will see they come out througout the month. So we are all waiting minute by minute! good luck and I bet you are happy to be back!