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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants

Killer Causey

New Member
Thats because we were all looking forward to the 20th last year. I'm just waiting to see what happens for I can figure out if I am going recruiting next year or going to school.

Rob... I'f I get selected this year ill be going to A&M aswell. How are you likeing it there?


New Member
Thats because we were all looking forward to the 20th last year. I'm just waiting to see what happens for I can figure out if I am going recruiting next year or going to school.

Rob... I'f I get selected this year ill be going to A&M aswell. How are you likeing it there?

same here, i just want the results to come out so i can figure if i am going to be recruiting next year, or at school... where are you going to NORU?
My department head knows a guy who sat on the board. I hate to be the guy that puts out unpopular info, especially if it turns out to be false, and in turn freak everyone out for no reason. So I say take this as you want: Apparently they only selected about 100 people this year, cutting the usual selection numbers in half... Due to the budget cuts and the Navy's downsize...
Saw that document as well. Even those numbers don't correspond to what he told me and what I've seen other places. Oh well, we will just have to wait and see...


well everyone can take that as you wish. i will counter this post with the fact that the CWO flying warrant program that was supposed to be a "pilot" program, lasting only 5 years, has already been approved to take applications again this year. navadmin should be out shortly. everyone think about this...STA is a proven effective program for top notch sailors, has been around over a decade. They have had roughly the same numbers over this time. the cwo program has been around half as long, had the same amount of selectees each year, yes, only about 5-10 people per year, but has already been said that it works and is going to stay. until the results come out, i urge you to stay positive on the process, don't try and pick you and your package apart, and remember that you were recommended for a reason. more than one person in your chain of command thinks that you have at least a hint of what it takes to be a mustang. keep the encouragement level high here over the next week or day or however long your inside source says it is going to be until the results come out, and most importantly, don't neglect your current job. everyone who applied, no matter how short or long you have been in the navy, have the opportunity to lead. be a leader in your sphere. you should already be TACTFULLY projecting yourself as a leader on the next level.

editing addition: one more thing...just like with navy advancement exam writers, these board members are held to a standard of integrity. they are not going to go tell there other O-4 buddies what numbers were for each designator....if they did they might as well just bring a list of selectees home and put them on ebay. sound likely? you decide.



this might help to give you guys some insight on what to expect for number of people selected for each option

http://www1.netc.navy.mil/nstc/nstc...es/NSTCNOTE 1500- FY11 Officer Accessions.pdf

ok with this document, this is to provide senior navy leadership with stats on CURRENTLY ENROLLED OCS, STA-21/NROTC, and ODS students/oc's in the program. you can not tell just by looking at the sta21 column on page 5 of the document because for one, you dont know what level those 225 or so students came into the program with in regards to current college credits. One of those students could have been a FY08 selectee who went into college with 3 college credits, and has been in school for 3 years, and one of those students could be a FY10 selectee who went into college with 100 college credits. this is for the bean counters ladies and gents. its like trying to figure out your final multiple for the advancement exam you took in september based on the the previous march cycle results and #'s. It's ok for guidance, but it is not the hard facts.

dont get me wrong though, it is always good to post this kind of information...anything that pertains to a program that you are applying for that is of any knowledge at all to others is always worth sharing.

editing addition: one more thing...just like with navy advancement exam writers, these board members are held to a standard of integrity. they are not going to go tell there other O-4 buddies what numbers were for each designator....if they did they might as well just bring a list of selectees home and put them on ebay. sound likely? you decide.


I thought the same thing when he showed me the email; that the board members are sworn to secrecy until the NAVADMIN is released... But of course I also asked him if he knew the selectees (haha). Of course, he said no...


New Member
NAVADMIN 330/10 and 331/10 are out. NOT STA-21 though.

grr... how frusterating. Partly because they aren't STA-21... but also because i'm showing no updates on NPC at all. So, what is everyone's gut feeling about when results will be out? And Price, what's the CNO up to this week, any insight Mr. Pres? Great stuff on here btw, I'd drive my fam and friends bonkers if they were all I had!


My department head knows a guy who sat on the board. I hate to be the guy that puts out unpopular info, especially if it turns out to be false, and in turn freak everyone out for no reason. So I say take this as you want: Apparently they only selected about 100 people this year, cutting the usual selection numbers in half... Due to the budget cuts and the Navy's downsize...

I received similar gouge passed from a board member. Specifically:

115 Selects

30 Core
30 Nuc
9 Nurse
8 Pilot
and 2 each for the remaining 11 designators.


New Member
Wow, I haven’t been on that much lately (working a lot trying to get my qualifications). First I would like to thank Price for selecting me as his VP. We can discuss policies and what we promise to do during our tenure at a later time.

I will have to say that the news of them reducing the numbers down that much, is definitely disheartening. Hearing only about 100 people got selected and that Intel is only looking at two selectees is really hard. I agree with Price and we need to keep our hopes up. I have been in the Navy to long to believe everything I hear (but unfortunately there tends to be some fact to rumors) so I am not going to focus on that. We all need to know that we put our best foot forward and we need to keep working and leading our sailors.

I honestly wish everyone the best of luck and if these rumors are true and you do get selected you better be the best leader you can be. There are a lot of sailors out here that really want to be in your shoes, so you had better make the best of it.


so just for info: the CNO has been out the office all week, yet NAVADMINS have stilled been signed and released. So really at this point him being on travel has nothing to do the results. but if thats true about the selection numbers, my stomach is really tight now, im scared to eat or i will probably throw up. Thats super awkward, but then again, there were supposedly only 700 some odd packages (hard apps) received, so once they weeded the disqualifying factors (again?????? what is an instruction for) then the select number could be lower in fact. however if its still the normally 200 plus, 50/50 chance. :) or something like that.


so just for info: the CNO has been out the office all week, yet NAVADMINS have stilled been signed and released. So really at this point him being on travel has nothing to do the results. but if thats true about the selection numbers, my stomach is really tight now, im scared to eat or i will probably throw up. Thats super awkward, but then again, there were supposedly only 700 some odd packages (hard apps) received, so once they weeded the disqualifying factors (again?????? what is an instruction for) then the select number could be lower in fact. however if its still the normally 200 plus, 50/50 chance. :) or something like that.

i like your positive thoughts Black. keep your head up.