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FY 2012 IDC Boards


Recording WWII Causalites.
Just got word from my recruiter. I got picked up for IP. What a way to start a weekend. Good luck to everyone else that is waiting on word.

Thank you Das for providing the information above. It is very nice to see how it all panned out.

Congratulations! If I make it, we might run into each other in RI.




New Member
Das, thanks for providing tha above info. Since it appears that intel/related IDC experience is present in the selectee packages, I assume that means every selectee? I only ask since that is the one piece I'm missing...still haven't received word, keeping fingers crossed

Matthew H

New Member
It amazes me that the results haven't been released to everyone, or at least leaked somewhere. I am normally use to CPO, LDO/CWO, and other types of board results that within a few hours of being released someone normally leaks it out to the public.


Recording WWII Causalites.
So, if I find out next week I have been selected, what can I expect to happen next? My recruiter (who has been outstanding) told me that I would be looking at having a physical and a background check completed before I would receive the commission. Is there anything else that I might anticipate? I am hoping for the best and want to be prepared.

On another note, I am 41 years old. The next board meets in March and my next birthday is in February 2012. If I don’t make it this round how do I start the process of requesting an age waiver? I really am hoping I make it this round but I am trying not to get too amped up as I understand this is really competitive.


Marc (IP Ensign)
I just started all the medical paperwork in prep for the MEPS physical and once cleared I was told I just wait for the docs to be commissioned. I'm sure others who have finished in here can elaborate more on this. As far as the age waiver goes, your recruiter should have that info and paperwork readily available for you so that it is completed before the next board. I'm 41 also but my birthday is in July so I had one more round if I didn't make it.


New Member
I was a selectee in March, commissioned in June, going to DCOIC in November. Next step Chorrell is you'll get a selection letter once you've been identified as a selectee. Then as mbstroz is saying you'll get started on medical clearance. I highly recommend going to an industrial clinic rather than MEPs, just a preference. Costs up front about $200.00 but it's worth the individual care and convenience. MEPS was never fun. After you have your final select letter and Navy med clears you, your recruiter will get COMDOCS. You'll come in, raise your right hand, solemnly swear, and then WELCOME TO THE FLEET! Age waivers differ depending upon prior service. I am also 41 but had 8 years prior service so effectively I was "33" so no waiver. The med clearance right now is the funnest part. If you have any issues, just get a letter from your doc stating it "won't affect your ability to serve". Your recruiter will help. The whole process takes about 90 days, so be patient, they don't call it "The great Blue wait" for nothing ;)


New Member
Oh and you have to have your security clearance pretty quick as well. Hopefully your recruiter started that process too.


New Member
FWIW, I'm not sure what you need 3 sets of khakis for. I have two sets, but honestly the second set hasn't been worn yet (and that's after 12 years and 3 mobilizations.) I suppose if you eat ribs for lunch every day you could conceivably need 3 sets, but it would seem to me to be a waste of $$. Same thing for NWUs - I still don't own a set, and have no plans to buy any until I end up in a unit that says they're mandatory *and* makes me actually wear them. If I were just entering the Reserves as a DIRCOM today, I would buy again what I first bought: two sets of khakis and one of SDBs. Everything else, I would wait until someone told me I needed them for a particular reason. (like going to DCO School in the summertime and needing summer whites for an inspection). Otherwise, don't shell out multiple 4-figures for gear that in all likelihood will remain on hangars in your closet. When the need arises, the Navy Uniform Store on-line can get you things lickety-split. Just a technique item...
I've stopped at 2 khakis, sdb, outerwear, and one NWU. No whites as my DCOIC is winter. You are right FlyinSpy. I am just getting what is needed for the classes and waiting on the rest.


Marc (IP Ensign)
I had 10 years active too nas6106 so i had a bit of time to make it.

What is this industrial clinic thing? How does it differ than the MEPS? Is it faster or just more personal? I would care about the money if it is less hassle and speed things up.

I was going to fill out the 28070-2 form and then have my personal doctor clear me for each yes as I don't have any medical documentation for the issues. Does anyone know if this is allowed?


New Member
I had 10 years active too nas6106 so i had a bit of time to make it.

What is this industrial clinic thing? How does it differ than the MEPS? Is it faster or just more personal? I would care about the money if it is less hassle and speed things up.

I was going to fill out the 28070-2 form and then have my personal doctor clear me for each yes as I don't have any medical documentation for the issues. Does anyone know if this is allowed?

It was less hassle and personal. I only had one issue, managed cholesterol, and that was cleared with a letter from my doc.

I went to a Concentra clinic. They specialize in medical clearance physicals. Went very well.


New Member
Congratulations to everyone selected on this board. I received confirmation yesterday that I have been selected for IW. I can't wait for the commissioning documents to arrive.