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FY 2012 IDC Boards


IW Officer
Hey everyone. I've been lurking on this board for the past few weeks and just wanted to let you know I was a select for IP. In case anyone is interested for future reference, the high points of my package are listed below:
-M.S. & B.S. in Computer Science (The MS was key from what I've seen)
- Already possess the necessary clearance level (this probably helps alot)
- 10 Years as a Navy Civilian (4 working as a programmer and 6+ in the Computer Network Defense arena.)
- Team Lead for a handful of projects and network security groups (mostly having to do with incident response and development of network security tools)
- 3 relevant certs (C|EH, Security+, & Linux+)
- No previous military experience
3 Letters from my three layers of management at my command (all civilians).
2 LCDR's. One an IP, on from Supply
- The individual from the IP community stated he would be honored to take me into his command (he was the CO of a small unit). I believe this kind of language helped.

I'd be happy to answer any questions (as long as the aren't to personal ;))


Marc (IP Ensign)
navgovie, Congratulations and thank you for letting people see what you have to help understanding of why you got selected. I have a few other questions for you if you don't mind.
How many tries was it for you?
Did you do a panel interviews?
How old are you? (I'm guessing 35)


Marc (IP Ensign)
Ugh!!! This waiting is murderous!

I was really hoping to hear something today. I see that many have been notified and I am starting to wonder if I made the cut? Have others had to wait a while before hearing the results?



Any word?


IW Officer
navgovie, Congratulations and thank you for letting people see what you have to help understanding of why you got selected. I have a few other questions for you if you don't mind.
How many tries was it for you?
Did you do a panel interviews?
How old are you? (I'm guessing 35)
mbstroz, I would be more then happy to answer your questions (and congratulations to you as well!).

-This is my second try. I tried out for intel the first time (against my recruiter's advice), and was a non-select for reasons unspecified.
-This go around I did not do a panel interview, but did my previous time.
-I am under the age of 35, in my (very) early 30's.


Marc (IP Ensign)
Thanks navgovie.
And thanks for the info. Always nice for others to see about those that got selected.


Recording WWII Causalites.
Any word?
No, not yet but I suspect I may be trying again in March. If that is the case I am hoping to meet with my recruiter soon to see what the options are. First and foremost will be an age waiver request as I will only be one month into age 42 by the time the next board meets. I wont give up!

Again mbstroz, congrats!




New Member
Just found out I wasn't picked up...guess I'll gear up for round 3. Can anyone provide some additional insight for me? I'd say I'm a fairly well rounded applicant. Apparently the focus of this board was on technical expertise (comp sci, physical science, engineering). I'm a liberal arts major so that doesn't help. What do you all suggest? Thanks!


New Member
To all,

This is my first blog, but I have been following the progress of everyone.....I am blessed to be a IDC select this time around (3rd try), and all I can say is "Do not give up!" Just a little bit about me.....

37 yoa
No prior military experience
12 years in law enforcement (State Police)

BS in Education(full athletic scholarship - Football) and MS in Behavioral Science

Leadership/Intel experience:
Team Leader on the State Police Hostage Negotiation Team (8 years)
TAD at the State Police Academy as a Drill Instructor
3 week leadership school "Leadership in Police Organizations"
Football coach for 10 years


(1) Colonel of the State Police
(1) Major of the State Police
(1) Lt. Colonel in the Army Reserves


Special Olympics since 2000
Adult volunteer for a JROTC program (Air Force) at a local high school


Member of a statewide Cultural Competency Council which falls directly under the Secretary of Public Safety

I did have a security clearance and panel interview each time.....They want to know that you have knowledge on what is going on in the world. Also, the panel does not want the "cookie cutter" responses. They want to know that what you say is really how you feel!! In my last interview, I was fortunate enough to have an interviewer that shared a similar background as me, so I am sure that helped.....I think the "reconsideration letter" is critical if you have something to add, because you want it to stand out to the selection committee.

My best advice to anyone else going through this process is:
  • Be patient
  • Be well-rounded
  • Be sincere
I am extremely excited about my potential future as a Naval Officer, because this is a life-changing event for me. Good luck!


New Member
Dsp, thanks for sharing...what are your thoughts about whether I should reapply? This would be my third time. I have 7 yrs experience as a corporate attorney with a wide range of leadership experience. Went to Yale undergrad and Forfham law. 4 year varsity letter winner in swimming; based in Saudi for the past 2 yrs. Have become proficient in Arabic and am fluent in Spanish. Founded a soup kitchen in Saudi. Am a martial arts instructor in my community, received outstandings on my last panel interview with 100 pct OIC endorsement - what am I missing? I guess it really is just luck of the draw and I wasn't a lucky one the past 2 times...very frustrating


New Member
As an intial matter: My recruiter suggested this forum and I've found it invaluable over the past few months. Thanks to all of the "regulars" who post here and answer questions. I really appreciate your time.

I'm sorry to hear that you weren't picked up. Given your background I would have thought you would be a shoe-in. I also am a lawyer, but I was lucky. I was just picked up for Intel on my first try.

In comparing our resumes, it looks like you and I are pretty comparable academically, although I don't have your martial arts/foreign language skills. My stats are: B.A. Political Science (summa cum laude); J.D. from a top-10 law school; 4 years as litigation associate; not particularly fluent in any foreign language; very little current community service.

In my case, I think the interviews made the difference, especially my first interview with the active-duy Intel Commander. We developed an immediate repoire and spent almost three hours talking about a host of issues, many that were not related to the Navy or Intel. He told me that he really like it that I was grounded, and had a history of working my way through college. [I suspect that when long-time Navy veterans are interviewing civilians (especially lawyers from private law schools), they want to make sure that the applicants are not full of themselves. Those of us in this situation may need to take an extra step (genuinely of course, without groveling), to communicate that we are grounded.]

When I was leaving the second interview (the one with the panel), the Commanders all encouraged me to reapply, even if I wasn't selected. I thought this was the kiss of death (like in on-campus interviews with law firms, where they tell you "good luck" after the interview, which means "we aren't going to hire you"). But in hindsight, I think the Commanders said this because they meant it. I suspect that the Board's final decision depends on so many other factors beyond our and the interviewers' control, including what your particular local base needs, what the Navy needs big-picture, etc., and these factors change over time. The Commanders knew that a good interview is necessary, but may not be sufficient depending on the Navy's needs.

Given your academic background, your analytical mind, and your experiences, I think you should continue to apply because the factors outside of your control may be in your favor in the future.


New Member
Odinson, thank you for your input. First off, congratulations...there's nothing like a one shot one kill. I will reapply but like you said with so many factors being outside of my control, I'm not going in with much in the way of expectation. At this point, I'm not even sure there is much I can really do...would you suggest I interview again? Like you, I established a very good repoire with the O-5 and O-6 I interviewed with. We discussed a whole of things and I was given outstanding reviews. Same with the OIC endorsement. I also received a very nice recommendation from the fleet commander (5th fleet), a VADM. I'm just really at a loss for what to do as a next step. Any advice is more than welcome.


New Member
It sounds like you had great interview results. I’m not sure that I would interview again and risk the chance of having a subpar interview or getting a subpar recommendation, unless you have to. Frankly, your recommendations sound stronger than mine. I had great recommendations from former employers but none from anyone in the military.

Do you think your location is a factor? Given your education background, I assume you are on the East Coast. I’m in the Midwest, so perhaps there are fewer applicants interested in the Navy Reserves out here.


New Member
Odinson, I am beginning to think location is a huge factor. I'm currently in Saudi but working thru a recruiter in the New England NIRR. That, coupled with lack og any technical skills doesn't really bode too well for me. I will try again but at this point am not holding out too much hope.


IP Officer USNR
I have no words….
I did it all, Interviews, physical, LOR’s, SF86. My interview panel said I was a very strong candidate. Checked, double checked and triple checked everything.
To be told I was not selected would have been disappointing but, understandable given the high level of completion for these positions. However, I was told “due to a technical issue with NMCI” and “An issue between the processor and CNRC” my package was not submitted (Yes, everything in the package was in order). It was not just my package that was not submitted either. I think we were victims of someone trying to prove a point to someone else.
Again, I have no words for how to react to this. I did take the next day off and went to the gun range and put a lot of lead down range. I felt a little better after that.
Guess I’ll line it up and try again next time.
Any advice would be welcome.