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FY 2012 IDC Boards


Well-Known Member
Mr. Innocent -- nothing to say except that really sucks. Sounds like someone just screwed up, and I doubt it was intentional. Whether it was incompetence or a mistake, it doesn't make it feel any better. What's done is done. For what it's worth, at every board I have seen one or more people believe their packages are in, anxiously awaiting the results, only to find out the package wasn't even before the board due to an error or oversight. Just keep pushing forward. Use the next 6 months to improve your package, and get in there again in March. Good luck!


New Member

Thanks for all of your posts and advice, both in this thread and throughout the forum. They are invaluable.


New Member
To anyone who can help with this question...It's my understanding that the Sept Board was heavy on selecting those with technical/engineering backgrounds. Unfortunately, I have the opposite type of background. That said, would you suggest I go for a technical certificate in the ensuing 6 months? If so, what would you suggest between now and March (obviously something I can complete within the next 6 months). Thanks!


Marc (IP Ensign)
It depends on which field you are applying for but I would say for a general IT cert,

Comptia Security+ and Network+ are pretty quick.


An MCP cert from Microsoft

What is your background? More management?


Well-Known Member
The DCNO for Information Dominance has directed 60%-40% split for hard science vs. social science accessions. The "hard science" areas include CS, math, physical sciences, and engineering. But there is also an emphasis on other educational backgrounds.

There is also a strong emphasis on graduate education, professional/technical certifications, and proven leadership. The board is also looking for any deficiencies to be explicitly addressed in the package.

Candidates not selected and their recruiters should try to consult with the IDC Reserve Region OIC and and IDC Community Leads to determine how specifically to improve their package. The guiding documents are always the Program Authorizations.

The advice given in this thread and others on this forum is good advice to follow.

Matthew H

New Member

I would agree with mbstroz, it would first depend on what your current skillset is and what program you applied for. CompTia certifications are great introductory certs that the board may look for, but another good document to look for is the DoD 8570.1M. That DoD document spells out what certifications are required for certain position and technical levels, and should help with pointing you in the right direction as well. Others to look at would be the CISSP and CISM which are somewhat technical but more from a high-level management standpoint, which is sometimes what they want since as an Officer you will be more in that role. If you have any further questions on certifications for IT type or "Hacking" type please msg me, I am always happy to help.



Marc (IP Ensign)
Exactly right Matt. I didn't want to go into anything further until knowing what direction he is going. CISSP is a beast of a cert to get but not needed if he's going Intel. CEH would be great for IW but CISSP would be better for IP.


New Member
Sorry about that...I posted above - I'm the guy with the liberal arts degree who's profession is corporate attorney. I have been in the field for over 6 yrs and have very good management/leadership experience. I currently live in Saudi and have been doing well picking up Arabic. I have extensive community service including being founder of a homeless shelter over here for Saudis. Unfortunately my technical expertise is non-existent. Do you think that hurt me? I'm an intel applicant so I figured the Board's focus on technical skills was for IW and IP. I don't know whether to reapply or how I can improve my app. I received 100 pct oic endorsement and outstandings on the panel. Just very confused at the moment. All of your advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Matthew H

New Member

- Depending on how you write your resume specifically focusing and tailoring it towards Intel Officer, I would imagine you would have a fantastic resume, I would start there. Since being an intel O you would be focusing on intel fusion, data planning, briefing, and analysis I would write your resume to focus on your experience in Saudi with focus on lingistics and interpersonal communication and management of such. Then talk about leadership and founding of homeless shelters and how you managed and lead ## people on ## homes over ## hours. The key to resumes for the Navy is much like evals, which is: What did you do, why is it important, and whats the big impact, include numbers and any type of quantifiable data. Research Intel Officers and their different roles and tailor the resume to meet and match them with as much leadership as possible.

- You degree can really play a great part, though "just liberal arts" you can reword your personal statement to show who you have turned that degree into something that has had MAJOR outcomes in the country you are in and the various cultures that you have dealt with. That is going to be the biggest impact of your motivation statement, how have you turned your degree and knowledge into some that has had a big impact with the people that you work with and how has your stay in that country allowed you to grow and finally how does that benefit the Navy, as both a Intel O and leader for Sailors.

- As far as Intel certifications, I could think of maybe the Project Management Professional (PMP), which would show that you have multi-task, perform projects which would benefit the Intel community because of deadlines and planning.

- I will stop rambling now and leave you with one final advice here, Never stop putting in your package! If you want this bad enough, never take NO! Having been in the Navy for awhile I have learned that there are a lot of times where board panels look for people that continuously put in packages because they want to see if you have the drive and motivation to really want to be an Officer.

Please let me know if I can help explain or review or anything,


New Member
Matthew, thanks for you insight. It is very much appreciated. I will most certainly revise my motivational statement and resume and tailor it even more towards Intel related things. I also plan to obtain another LOR from one of my superiors, as well as continue polishing my Arabic and maybe begin another language. Do you have an email address so that we can take this off line perhaps? Maybe PM me the address? It would be great if I could share with you my revised resume/statement to see whether you have advice or additional comments. Thanks again!


New Member
Mr. Innocent.

I am sorry that you were on the receiving end of that "snaff-foo". Das is right, what's done is done. A similar situation happened to me on on my second packet, not to mentioned that it nearly happened on the first also. If there is anything that I could add that would help would be to just keep applying. I kept improving and applying. I eventually picked up. Persistense is the key in this ball game. Das had posted numbers in earlier posts of packets submitted and those that were accepted within a couple of the various communities. As he mentioned, the numbers get smaller every board, so I would suggest that you keep applying. good luck my friend.


Marc (IP Ensign)
The last board was the same way for me. My packet never went up and they caught it on the very last second. I was still non-select but I still learned a valuable lesson. Make sure your packet is there. They receive a verification that your packet has arrived. Never quit. Many of us went up 3 or more times before being selected.


New Member
mbstroz...how are you progressing? Medical appt scheduled yet? My recruiter told me today that he expects me to start drilling next month. That seems a little quick...guess we will see!


Marc (IP Ensign)
Medical packet is at the Meps for review. Waiting to see if I'm clear to go or not to start processing. Should know in the next day or so. My recruiter said if the paperwork is all good then It could be that fast for me as well. It does seem fast but I'm not complaining :)

Matthew H

New Member
From what my recruiter told me is that once my physical is complete, which I have the appt. today, and everything is good and clear. Then that all gets sent to Millington for the final look over and that I can expect the Commissioning paperwork to come back within two - three weeks at the most. So it does seem very quick but he said it is very normal.