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FY 2012 IDC Boards


Marc (IP Ensign)
It's all so exciting. Need to look into the next DCOIC class. See which time frame is available. I assume RI is pretty cold in Dec, Jan time frame.

NE Huskers

New Member
Hello everyone - I was selected for IW DCO (found out the 23rd). I actually seperated from the Navy in April (enlisted) after nearly 10 years - all of my paperwork is complete and I have been assigned a reserve billet. Now I'm just waiting for the golden ticket (final select letter & comissioning docs!!) I was told this could be anywhere from 2-6 weeks. Good luck to everyone and let us all know when you receive your final documents.


Well-Known Member
NE Huskers, congrats and welcome to the IW Officer community! This last wait -- "Final Select purgatory" -- can be several weeks, but once that letter is received, commissioning documents usually arrive within 10 days at most.

On another note, my condolences on your devastating loss at the hands of the UW Badgers. ;-) That said, it was definitely a great crowd and I hope all of the 35,000-some-odd Huskers that descended on Madison had a good time!

Joel Port

New Member
Hey guys!

So I think I am good to go an in! ;) I got a call from my recruiter on Sat the 24th saying congratulations and I had been "recommended" by the final board - Do you guys know what happens next? I was in for 8 years (enlisted), yet I still am a bit thrown off on the process. Perhaps it is because I wa prior service and keep looking for a more formal/prototypcial process... Thoughts? Can one of you who got selected share what you have heard?


Joel Port

New Member
ok - he sent me the forms via email. i took (and passed) the physical already... i did have to go get some documentation to waive some prior disablity i had. i will have that back and sent off to him by mid-next week.... overall, im still confussed - were we "selected" pending final approval or are we just simply "recommended" and still have more boards to get our package through? i guess im trying to figure out if i can get excited or keep it contained....

thanks for the prompt response and nice to meet you - about 4 months ago when i started the process i was googling some stuff and some of your threads showed up. thanks for sharing and congrats!


Marc (IP Ensign)
My understanding of the process go that after you are recommended by the board and then cleared by MEPS and then N3 (I think this is right), you then get your select letter in a few weeks which means everything is finished and then you get your commissioning documents in the mail in around 10 days. At that point you are commissioned. I'm sure if any of this is wrong, someone will correct it. I am still in the processes myself and waiting for MEPS to clear me so I can do my physical and get on to the next part.

Joel Port

New Member

thanks, that is what i am hearing. i do not want to "bug" my recruiter so i have really yet to bother/ask him for explicit details, but sounds close - in a sense, almost anticlimatic though, right? all that work/energy and all, and poof, you get a letter in the mail and start drilling.. lol

were you prior military? if so, you will know what i mean when i say it just seems kind of random and ad hoc... so overall, we are at the point we can get excited, because barring something major and unforseen we are go-to-go, right?


Marc (IP Ensign)
I'm prior Army of 10 years so I understand the hurry up and wait process. Unless something gets you Disqualified, you are good to go and in the wait for paperwork to get done mode. Asking your recruited once a week isn't bad if you have legit questions.
I'm ready to start and wish MEPS would hurry the hell up but after 1 1/2 years of waiting, I am just be anxious.

Joel Port

New Member
Well, I got my physical done, and like I said, I did have to get some (I had 20%) disablity paperwork, but I think I should be good - I will just be cautiously optimisitic then! I have to hand it to you and several others I met during the process, they were tenacious and kept applying. I think I have lucked out and got it first try, but would have done the same - however, like you pointed out, you just want it DONE at that point. Regardless, you did something(s) right to perserve and see it through. I work along side a lot of Navy reserve officers, and they all have great experiences and things to say about it - so lucky us, right? Once again, CONGRATS! Oh, have you actually seen a forum or anywhere the results were posted? Do you know how many applied/got selected for intelligence?




Marc (IP Ensign)
No info on posted results but this is the selection counts for the IDC board.
SEP11 (first FY12 board) - 348 applicants. Selected 55 INTEL, 12 IW, 7 IP, 0 OCEANO
I wish I had my physical done before hand. I keep hearing about people doing that but I didn't know it was an option. I hope those that are applying in the future have it done before they are recommended so they don't have to wait as long after.
I have 30% disability for my back so I had to submit about 10 years worth of VA records to them. Guess they actually are reading them all :) I found a great Physical Therapist and my back finally started working right again. It's why I decided to join again.
I would have kept applying till I was to old to apply.

Congrats to you also Joel Port.

Joel Port

New Member
hey man,

thanks for sharing, that makes me feel MUCH better knowing someone else had disablity. i was told it should b ea "non-factor" at this point, but you know how it is in life - anything you REALLY want, you worry over. i had MAJOR allergies when i got out, and the dr. kept telling me i had asthma and the "baghdad boil." i got surgery and lots of shots after i got out, so the boil is now FINE. as far as asthma, they were wrong, i never had it. turned out i was alergic to cat dander and provided i try to avoid livintg with a cat, i am good and started running again years ago. they contacted me and said i had to come back in and get reevaluated to continue to collect, i declined as i felt fine - but they never followed up or cut it off. I am receiving 20%, so I think I should be good to go - helps knowing there are others out there... Keep in touch, we may end up in the same class. It looks like our selection group is looking around Feb! Let the next chapter begin!

No info on posted results but this is the selection counts for the IDC board.
SEP11 (first FY12 board) - 348 applicants. Selected 55 INTEL, 12 IW, 7 IP, 0 OCEANO
I wish I had my physical done before hand. I keep hearing about people doing that but I didn't know it was an option. I hope those that are applying in the future have it done before they are recommended so they don't have to wait as long after.
I have 30% disability for my back so I had to submit about 10 years worth of VA records to them. Guess they actually are reading them all :) I found a great Physical Therapist and my back finally started working right again. It's why I decided to join again.
I would have kept applying till I was to old to apply.

Congrats to you also Joel Port.