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FY 2012 IDC Boards


Recording WWII Causalites.
I have still not heard from my recruiter regarding the boards. I have sent him emails and called him but he has said that the information has not been sent to him yet. I hate bugging the guy but if I have to reapply (which I am fairly certain I will) I want to get this process rolling. Any idea what might be holding up the final word?



Joel Port

New Member

Sorry to hear that, but it appears persistence is the key to this game. If you feel like you are getting the run-around, you can always find/go to a new recruiter. If it were me, I would find a recruit who got selected and go with his/her recruiter if you are not getting what you need.... I had a miserable time working with one district, but finally got in with another and he did his job! ;)


Recording WWII Causalites.
Hello Mr. Port!

Thanks for the reply. I want to apologize as I did not intend to sound as if I were complaining about my recruiter. Rather, I was just trying to understand if a reason for the long delay. My recruiter has been very responsive to my questions etc. I am just trying to understand what could be taking so long to get a final answer. Still, your advice is not lost on me and if things continue for the next month or so, I will start down the path of looking for additional help. Again, thank you for your help!


Joel Port

New Member

I hear you and didn't think otherwise - Honestly, I did not have much faith that I would be picked up, so the board release date came without me even thinking about it. I was very surprised when my recruiter called to inform me that I had been selected. I can only imagine the frustration of waiting for a call or worse, not being able to get an answer. You would think they would post the results online or something, right? I have read online that they send out letters, perhaps you'll get that sooner than later. Either way, keep plugging away and best of luck! I am sure it is worth it...


Marc (IP Ensign)
No letters are sent out, just your recruiter lets you know ( I never got one ). They should have found out by now. It has been 3 weeks. I thought they logged into a system to get the report so not sure why they are waiting for something to be sent to them. I hope you got it but if not, just keep working hard on improving yourself and reapply. When I started applying, my recruiter had just started and had not been sent to recruiter school yet so she didn't know a lot of the processes but she had a senior person to ask questions to find answers.


Well, I just commissioned yesterday so I can tell you how my process went.

I found I was selected on 3 August.
Went to a Navy doctor for the precommissioning physical at the end of August.

I went out of town until 12 September, then had to go back for the follow up visit so the doctor could go over the blood work and actually do the examination. She said I was good and passed me.

I had to go visit the processor around the same time to electronically sign the sf86 form to start the security investigation.

My physically qualified letter came back 26 September.
Final select letter came back 6 October.
Commissioning documents came in 12 October.
Swore in 13 October.

Start drilling in December.

Joel Port

New Member

Thanks for sharing - Do you mind if I ask what designator you are under? 3 August is about 20 days before our board results came out. Either way, congrats and glad it went so smoothly! I found out the 24th and hope to wrap up my physical paperwork today - so following your timeline, I can hope to be commissioned sometime mid/late Nov. Once again, thanks for sharing and congrats!


Marc (IP Ensign)
I'm still waiting for the MEPS Doctor to evaluate my records so I can go in for a physical. Today is 2 weeks since they logged them in and still no word.
Urchin263, you didn't go to the MEPS for your physical?

Joel Port

New Member

What do they have to evalute for you to go in for? I went to a private physician to get all of mine done, was SO much better than going to the MEPS. From there, I am told that the recruiter simply uploads them to the Navy database for final approval. You may want to consider that route as it is fast and painless.... Just a thought.


Marc (IP Ensign)
My private physician is a retired Army doctor and he cleared me (he said he does them from time to time) but I thought I had to go to MEPS for it. I just left a message for my recruiter to call me back on it. Thanks.

Joel Port

New Member

I dont think you do - Actually, I am 99.9 percent sure you do not; did you get DD2807-1 and DD2808 forms signed? If so, that should be it and you are good to go! ;)


Marc (IP Ensign)
I submitted a DD2807-2 form and a 680-3 Form.
I'm downloading the other forms and waiting for my recruiter to get with me. Thank you for the info.

Joel Port

New Member
yeah - no problem. he probably said the meps bc that is the road most often taken. BUT, you can get a private physical done and have them sign off on the 2808. good luck and let me know how it goes. i am waiting for one FINAL letter from the allergist and then i should be good to go!


Marc (IP Ensign)
Found it after a web search..
Page 9


Conducting and
Recording the


(I) A Licensed Independent Practitioner or Physician

Assistant may perform all physical examinations

covered in this chapter unless otherwise indicated.

A General Medical Officer may independently perform

examinations ifhe or she has successfully completed

an accredited internship. All examiners,

regardless of clinical speeialty, performing and

recording physical examinations must be familiar

with the standards outlined herein. Some special duty

examinations (e.g., Aviation) must be performed or

co-signed by examiners with specific training and/

or qualifications, review Section IV for further guidance.

(2) All complete physical examinations will

include forms DD 2807-1 "Report of Medical

History" and DD 2808 "Report of Medical Examination."

Examiners will carefully and objectively record

all medical history and physical examination findings

in the appropriate blocks on forms DD 2807-1 and

DD 2808 using commonly accepted medical

language. Also, ensure blocks on the form prompting

identifying data, such as name or social security

number, are properly completed on all pages. Use

of the Standard Form (SF) 88 and 93 or NAVMED

6120/2 is not appropriate unless specifically required

as part of a special duty evaluation.

Joel Port

New Member
yup - that is what i had done with my primary care provider - very fast/efficient. i did have to wait a few days for the HIV/drug results to come back.... but after that it was smooth sailing (pun intended).. lol