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FY 2012 IDC Boards


Marc (IP Ensign)
Thanks for the info Joel. Hopefully I can still go this route instead of having to go to MEPS. I sent my recruiter all the DD forms, updates and links to the document above so hopefully I'll get a answer soon.


Joel Port

New Member
i am pretty confident you can - my recruiter made it sound as though it is almost his preferred route. if i were you i would consider calling a dr office and setting up the appointment now, so if you can, you can pull the trigger on it right away.. versus waiting a few more days AFTER setting up an appointment. if you are like me, you just want this phase over with...

do you have a regular email? i have some other info, but will pass it along via private email...


I am Supply, the Board started at the end of July for us.

As far as the physical exam goes, I actually went to the Bethesda Naval Hospital outside of DC. My recruiter said that is his preferred method as MEPS can be somewhat of a pain (according to him, I've never been).


Marc (IP Ensign)
I worked it out with my recruiter and I am having my personal physician do it on Tuesday and pulling my paperwork from MEPS. I need to learn to listen better to this forum. :)

Joel Port

New Member

glad it worked out for you! i think you will really like it in the long-run. i got my last paper from the dr. today, so my recruiter said he will be uploading it for final approval on mon! he said his last guy got cleared in 24 hours, so with luck i may be cleared tue or wed! ;) wish me luck!!!!


Marc (IP Ensign)
Luck wished. :)
A little bit of running around to do but much better than going to the MEPS all day.


Recording WWII Causalites.
Well, late yesterday afternoon I finally heard back from the recruiter. I already suspected/knew that I didn't make it this round but now I have official confirmation and can move towards March. Congrats to all and I appreciate all the info!

NE Huskers

New Member
Good Morning Everyone-
Came to work and had an e-mail in my inbox from yesterday stating my Final Select Letter came in. Now just have to wait for the COMDOCs - which my recruiter said is taking longer than normal to receive...we'll see!


New Member
Good Morning Everyone-
Came to work and had an e-mail in my inbox from yesterday stating my Final Select Letter came in. Now just have to wait for the COMDOCs - which my recruiter said is taking longer than normal to receive...we'll see!

Once I saw your post I called my recruiter. He told me that my Final Select Letter is in Otools, but is not yet signed. He expects that by the end of the week. The wait is almost over!!


New Member
If anyone on here was picked up through Naval Recruiting District Richmond for Intel in Sept I'd greatly appreciate either a PM or a brief snapshot of your experience/skillset posted - curious what Millington is looking for in the area. Thanks much.